Combi or Conventional gas boiler


Registered User
Wondering what peoples' recommendation or experience are in relation to combi or convention.

I have done a bit of reading on the pros & cons, so I have a good idea of what the benefits/limitations of one versus the other are. A lot seems to come down to individual situation. We're waiting to do a refurb to improve airtightness & insulation, new windows, probably UFH. But the current conventional gas boiler needs work so I am thinking of replacing it now. Our rads are decent quality. We have one shower (pump/power, good pressure), but after refurb would be two. My main concern would be running 2 showers at once and having good pressure. Can that be achieved by a combi? If so, what sort of spec for a 2000sq ft home, 2 showers?
Some useful pros and cons here...
Have had a combi boiler for years; they are common in UK but becoming more popular here.

Spend the money & get a good make (I have a Viessmann) & service every year.
Thanks @Thirsty - out of curiousity, how many bathrooms/showers are you running?

I've a concern that having 2 showers running and expecting decent power from both simlutaneously is a bit of an ask for combi, particularly given the trend of mains water pressure in the Dublin area.
One of my showers is electric - which I would always recommend in a house anyway.
I was chatting to a plumber guy the other day - old hand, good experience, practical, and most importantly was not trying to sell me anything! His view was that a combi of the right spec would comfortably drive 2 concurrent showers. He's installed same in his own house and for others. Pump the other side of the boiler. I asked about mains pressure and he mentioned having a wide feed or something like that into the combi from the mains? Anyhow, he has no skin in the game and seemed very confident that combi would suit. The ability to run 2 showers concurrently was my concert. I'm not too worried about not having an electric/fall-back option.
Got a Baxi 600 combi 2 years ago.No use if you need 2 hot pumped showers at the same time,otherwise its very efficient/economical.
Would you still need / have a cold water tank in the attic to feed the combi boiler, or would it be direct mains only?
Got a Baxi 600 combi 2 years ago.No use if you need 2 hot pumped showers at the same time,otherwise its very efficient/economical.
Seems to come in a 24kw, 30kw and 36kw spec. I guess the right boiler, feed in and pump out gives a setup capable of running 2 power showers concurrently.