Christmas Gift for Pregnant wife??


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Here goes wife is due is febuary.Has loads of bling and perfume....what should I get for christmas and does'nt want massages etc .....what does that leave???????:confused:
Maybe get her an Apple Itouch - she can out all her favourite tunes on it and maybe do a labour play list, thats what my friend did. Entertained her loads in weeks coming up to it, making and remaking playlists and nurses o.k'ed her bringing it in for the birth. She said it was brilliant as labour went on forever! Or maybe handycam for taking home movies when baby comes. Or check this out - she'll either hate it or not depends on her creative side or not [broken link removed] alternatively maybe check out for pregnant mums. Good luck!
Voucher for hairdressers. Something I done with every one of mine, went off to get hair done before and after babies.

Weekend away together, especially if it is your first, lovely changes coming but time on your own will be limited. :)

Massive bouqet of flowers and tell her how much you love her!

Better still, give your lovely wife the whole lot.
of course depending on the hormones the hair voucher might mean that you think she looks terrible.

go with her to do her xmas shopping and carry all her bags and don't moan once and listen to and soothe all her moans - not as a christmas present but because that is what is expected.

DO valentines day early because she might miss it because baby comes?
"Yoga in Pregnancy" book.

Mrs Teatime never used it but it was the thought that counted...
"Yoga in Pregnancy" book.

Mrs Teatime never used it but it was the thought that counted...
probably a DVD might be better. or one of those birthing ball yokes some people find good in labour?
other than that i reckon you should go do the grocery shopping for her on your own. could be worth diamonds.
My husband got me one of these when I was pregnant for Christmas and a pampering day. I was due in Feb too. I had the pampering day in Jan and it was sooo lovely. Has she a good camera for the million of photos you will take when baby arrives.
Are you sure she dudnt want a spa treatment, marriott in ashbourne has a 2 for 1 offer in december, mrs car due in jan and got back last week and said it was best spa ever been to. 200e for mumtobe treatment (which seems to be a standard price for the mumtobe treatments). brought her mum with her, brownies for me all round.
Other then that, we got pressies of photos done on canvas from that shop in sandyford (someone else will have to provide, know it was mentioned here before). Wifey loves them.
Early January weekend away. a little time to yourselves before all hell breaks loose!!

My hubby did that for me before our first (more difficult on subsequent baba's!) and it was the best thing ever.
I'm stuck in same dilemna. For us. it's numbers three and four (yes, twins.) I like some of the suggestions such as an ironing board but we already have this stuff? I'm looking for something a bit more creative. I once bought lamps -- they're still sitting in the garage. So, as you can see my batting average is pretty bad thus far...