child rights


Registered User
What rights do I have in relation to people my ex introduces into my childs life ? We have joint custody but he has now gone into his 2nd relationship. My daughter was very upset when he broke up with the last one and I dont think he should be intorducing anyone new but he tells me I have no say.
Actually, your ex is correct, you don't have any 'rights' to say who he should introduce to your dd, or when - any more than he would be able to decide that for you. All you can do is explain to him how badly upset she was last time (did he not notice himself?) and ask that he consider her feelings before introducing her to this new girlfriend. It won't hurt to wait until he knows if this is a serious long term relationship or not.

What you can do for your dd is talk, allow her to express her feelings, reassure her that loss is a part of life, etc. If your dd is old enough, you might consider letting her attend Rainbows - it can be great for helping children deal with the all the different issues of parents who have separated.