Cheapest option for once off long term share purchase


Registered User
I would like to invest a relatively small amount (~5000) on a couple of shares. One is very high risk. The other should be relatively okay. Anyway the plan would be to buy now and hold on to them for 5-10 years. I may purchase more shares in years to come but can't imagine more than one purchase in any one year, if even that, and I may purchase none.

Anyway, from what I can tell most brokers charge you for having an account but doing nothing with it. Given that I am not investing big money, this could mean that most of my gains would be swallowed up on costs.

Is there a good option for the type of investment I would like to do (once off purchase, long term hold)?

If they are Irish or British shares you can buy them through Campbell O'Connor and get share certificates. There is no ongoing annual charge.
