changing solicitor: entitled to files?



I'm planning to switch solicitors. While I've been using my present solicitor for a good while, it's just not practical to continue. I've already used a different solicitor near where I live for a few things and have been impressed by them. If I switch my business over, am I entitled to get all my files from the old solicitor (letters they sent out on my behalf, etc.)?

Also, some of my business would stretch back to my mother's time (assets she passed on when she died). She used the same solicitor. Would I be entitled to her files too?
You are entitled to your own files- you should give the solicitor reasonable notice and be prepared to pay a scrivinery fee. Are you your mother's executrix?
As far as I know Vanilla (see also occupation ) is a solicitor alright. Why?
I suspect that the "Kingdom" in which Vanilla is based is Kerry rather than the United one!
You are entitled to your own files- you should give the solicitor reasonable notice and be prepared to pay a scrivinery fee. Are you your mother's executrix?

Thanks Vanilla. No, I can't even remember who was my mother's executor. My dad probably, but he's dead now too. And I wasn't his executor.

He used the same solicitor too. Ideally I'd like to be able to go there and just get all the files - Dad's, Mum's, mine - the lot - because there'd be elements in all three files that I'd want. Or maybe they just have a family file for us.

What would a scrivenery fee typically be?
Shootingstar- I am based in Co.Kerry and could not advise on UK law.

To OP, I'm not sure you have authority to take your parents files- were you the sole beneficiary of your mothers will?

A scriv fee is just to cover administration costs in photocopying and readying the file to be taken so it depends on the size of the file- sorry I can't be more precise.
To OP, I'm not sure you have authority to take your parents files- were you the sole beneficiary of your mothers will?
Not directly.
Mum -> Dad (sole beneficiary).
Dad -> me (sole beneficiary).

A scriv fee is just to cover administration costs in photocopying and readying the file to be taken so it depends on the size of the file- sorry I can't be more precise.