Cash 'Rich' SME - Where to Stash It?


You may be missing the point that the company will gain a Corporation Tax deduction for salaries when/if salary extraction takes place in the future. So the 'tax inefficiency' argument against retaining funds in the company is weak enough. Incurring a tax cost of 50%+ on extracted salaries is hardly tax efficient either.

Otherwise, I can only repeat my earlier point that blowing windfall profits on salary extraction may prove a false economy if the company needs a reinjection of those funds at a later stage. By then, half of the entire pot will be gone in tax.

That's my view as well.
We discussed all this some years ago in this Key Post

Take salary or leave profits in the company?

While the tax rates have changed, I think that the principles and the strategy remains the same.

I will revisit the Key Post at some stage and do up a few examples to illustrate the points I am making.

In general - if you look at it from the company's point of view, you leave as much money in the company. But I only ever see a company as an extension fo the individual and cash is only cash when it's in my pocket. Cash in a company is not my cash.
