Car not listed in will


Registered User
My uncle recently died. His car is not specified on the will I assume it has to be sold and money put into estate, how does this process happen? Who sells the car?
It depends on the wording of the will, and how the assets are to be distributed. If there are specific items that are left, and the residue to be shared between a number of people, then the assets not specifically mentioned may need to be sold depending on the number of people and value. E.g. If the remaining assets total €50000 to be split between 4 people, and the car is worth €10000, one person could potentially receive the car in lieu of other assets to that value. If the remaining assets total €20000 to be shared among 4 people, a car worth €10000 would need to be sold to be able to share the assets equally.
When my father died we got his car valued by a motor trader and my brother, who needed a car, took it as part of his share. As the car was in great nick we agreed a price between trade-in and full 2nd hand value. I was executor and arrangements like this made dealing with that stuff a bit easier for everyone.