Can you have Car Insurance Claim & Public Liability Claim


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Good morning

just wondering if you claim of your car insurance for damage to your car caused by poor roads (large rock protruding from side of road, council tarred around it rather than remove it). Can you then put in a Public Liability Claim against the Council?

One of the main conditions in any insurance policy is a contribution condition. This means that if you have an item insured by multiple insurers, then each insurer will pay a portion of the claim rather than the full amount. When you claim from your own insurance policy they will ask if you intend to claim from anywhere else and so two successful claims will still only be as much as either company will pay on their own - basically you should not profit from an insurance policy. Best of luck getting your damage covered by the council ;)
You can choose to claim under your motor insurance policy or pursue a claim against the Council (if you fancy your chances).

When you claim under your insurance policy you subrogate your recovery rights against the local authority to the insurer, i.e. they can try to recover their outlay from the Council. You are of course entitled to recover the amount of any excess on your motor policy.