Bill and Melinda Gates divorcing

joe sod

Registered User
Surprised by the news that this golden tech couple are to divorce, the second mega tech divorce now after Jeff Bezos. Just shows you the wealth of the tech founders they dwarf that of celebrities, pop stars, and even financial guys . I think government's are now coming after the tech guys to take back some of that wealth, see Joe Biden new corporate tax changes to tax us multinationals no matter where they or their intellectual property is moved to.
I knew it was coming. She just seemed more gamy the last few times I was talking to her.
There were always going to be compatibility issues that would eventually need an expensive upgrade. I am guessing when he was in Office365 days a year, there was always going be a problem. Hopefully the Outlook for both will be positive from now on.....

This could go on a while......
Reports that the settlement could be in the region of 68 billion dollars ! I'm no socialist but there is something really wrong with this that a couple can amass that much wealth . It's correct that gates developed a product that everyone wanted to use the Windows operating system but does it really deserve that massive a reward and give himself and his wife that unparalleled power?
Yes they chose to give a lot of it to charity but they are deciding where the money is going and swamping out existing and long established charities in Africa.
Just shows you the wealth of the tech founders they dwarf that of celebrities, pop stars, and even financial guys .
Their are far, far fewer big tech founders.

Yes they chose to give a lot of it to charity but they are deciding where the money is going and swamping out existing and long established charities in Africa.
Maybe they're swamping out some of the corrupt charities that seem to have a sideline in enriching their management? In fairness to Bill, he has been leading a charge to get billionaires to give away at least half of their wealth to charitable causes.
Their are far, far fewer big tech founders.

Maybe they're swamping out some of the corrupt charities that seem to have a sideline in enriching their management? In fairness to Bill, he has been leading a charge to get billionaires to give away at least half of their wealth to charitable causes.
Maybe they are also swamping out charities with utterly stupid and pointless objectives (unless the objective was to waste more calories and cause more damage to the climate) like sending grazing animals to Africa.
Reports that the settlement could be in the region of 68 billion dollars ! I'm no socialist but there is something really wrong with this that a couple can amass that much wealth . It's correct that gates developed a product that everyone wanted to use the Windows operating system but does it really deserve that massive a reward and give himself and his wife that unparalleled power?
Yes they chose to give a lot of it to charity but they are deciding where the money is going and swamping out existing and long established charities in Africa.
What does 68 billion dollars mean really... if it is all tied up in the company, it's intellectual property and human resources.
Not sure how you stop him amassing so much wealth just because of the level of wealth the company has generated and not for sound reasons of anti-trust, competition etc
What does 68 billion dollars mean really... if it is all tied up in the company, it's intellectual property and human resources.

I think it means multiple mansions, multiple private planes, a huge car collection, one of the best art collections in the world, ability to become one of the largest land owners in the US, a multi billion $ charity trust, power, influence and general happiness...!!

I don't begrude Bill Gates his fortune. There are richer men than him who achieved less and do less good with their money....
I think it means multiple mansions, multiple private planes, a huge car collection, one of the best art collections in the world, ability to become one of the largest land owners in the US, a multi billion $ charity trust, power, influence and general happiness...!!

I don't begrude Bill Gates his fortune. There are richer men than him who achieved less and do less good with their money....
can't buy me love though :(
A bit of background to the divorce.....seems like Bill isn't such a nice guy
I don't know a lot of mud slinging going on now. The famous question ask to Paul Daniels wife springs to mind
"So what attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels"
Bill Gates in his younger days was a computer geek, probably not that rich or attractive to women
He probably had a singular focus on developing MS Dos and hadn't much time for chasing women. Then in. his later years when he is now rich and famous he is obviously going to capitalize on it. Most men would especially if you didn't get that much action in your younger years. It has always been thus

As an aside though most of these tech pioneers are not really nice guys, neither was Steve jobs and especially Zuckerberg who developed Facebook to basically score his female class mates on their looks, in other words bullying
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