Bicycles for Ukrainian refugees

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Registered User
I couldn't see that this was already mentioned on Askaboutmoney so thought I'd post it here.

Paul McQuaid in River Cycles, Usher's Island, Dublin 8, is still accepting donations of surplus bicycles which he very kindly renovates for use by Ukrainian refugees around the country. I dropped a few over to him today. He said that he has renovated and donated over 1,000 bikes to date, which is amazing, and there is still high demand more. So if you have any old bikes that are not complete junk and could be renovated or used for spare parts then you might consider donating to this worthy cause.
I guess that if there are any other similar operations elsewhere then they can also be posted here.
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I couldn't see that this was already mentioned on Askaboutmoney so thought I'd post it here.

Paul McQuaid in River Cycles, Usher's Island, Dublin 8, is still accepting donations of surplus bicycles which he very kindly renovates for use by Ukrainian refugees around the country. I dropped a few over to him today. He said that he has renovated and donated over 1,000 bikes to date, which is amazing, and there is still high demand more. So if you have any old bikes that are not complete junk and could be renovated or used for spare parts then you might consider donating to this worthy cause.
I guess that if there are any other similar operations elsewhere then they can also be posted here.
respectfully we as a small country cannot finance this crises better if war stopped and the refugees went back to home mr biden did say 3 times in 2 weeks to ukranian president talk to putin now
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