Best line from a kids film


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What are your favourite lines from children's movies?

One that spring to mind for me is;
In 101 Dalmatians Glenn Close asks her sidekick "What kind of a sycophant are you?" to which he replies "What kind of a sycophant do you want me to be?"
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Can't say I watch many kids films these days but back in the day The Princess Bride, apart from been a good watch was always good for a quote

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Princess Bride: "We'll never survive."
Westley: "Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

Wizard: "Turns out your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. See, mostly dead is still slightly alive."

Wizard: "He's only mostly dead. If he were all dead, there's only one thing you can do."
Montoya: "And what's that?"
Wizard: "Go through his pockets and look for loose change."

Westley: "Life is pain. Anyone who says different is trying to sell you something."
Can't say I watch many kids films these days but back in the day The Princess Bride, apart from been a good watch was always good for a quote

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Princess Bride: "We'll never survive."
Westley: "Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

Wizard: "Turns out your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. See, mostly dead is still slightly alive."

Wizard: "He's only mostly dead. If he were all dead, there's only one thing you can do."
Montoya: "And what's that?"
Wizard: "Go through his pockets and look for loose change."

Westley: "Life is pain. Anyone who says different is trying to sell you something."
Is the Princess Bride a kids film?
For me it's an all time classic and certainly in my top 10 funny films.
Well I would, maybe not in terms of what I'd call classic kids films like Snow White or 101Dalmatians
But in terms of modern films like Shrek or Toy Story then yes I think it is
Well I would, maybe not in terms of what I'd call classic kids films like Snow White or 101Dalmatians
But in terms of modern films like Shrek or Toy Story then yes I think it is
Shrek, now there were a few good ones in there.

I showed the Princess Bride to my son a few years ago. He didn't like it. I won't lie, I thought less of him afterwards.
Thanks Purple, That made me and Mrs Cervelo laugh it really did.
I think it's one of those films that gets better or maybe needs a couple of viewings to appreciate it fully
From The Princess Bride: "you miserable, vomitous mass"
(it's an everybody film....from 4 - 99, like other wonderful things)

"With fronds like these, who needs anemones?"

My children did not know what film this line comes from.....I only watched Finding Nemo 67,235 times because of them.

"One mans toxic sludge is another mans pot pourri"
"Woof woof?" (presumably translates as: what's pot pourri?)
"I dont know, some kind of fancy soup"

I have watched "The Grinch" more times than Nemo.
Not sure on the age demographic this one was aimed at but I was a young boy when I saw Big trouble in little china.

"How did you get up there?"
"It wasn't easy"

Still makes me laugh when I think about it now as an adult
only watched Finding Nemo 67,235 times because of them
My friends son called that Grinding Nemo. That made is a gay porn movie.

On that note Bear in the Big Blue House was a comma away from the same genre; Bare, in the Big Blue House.
lots of fun to be had in the crossover of innocent titles to....less innocent ones.

Dont knock "Fireman Sam" though, the original series had a sense of humour. Dilys and her Cream Snatcher faux pas, it's been too long to recall any other specifics (thank God in fairness ) but in the throes of dry, humourless This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language like Barbie Anything, Doc McStuffins, etc a parent can really appreciate the humour in Fireman Sam and, yes, even in Peppa. Not to mention Spongebob ❤.