Best account to deposit redundancy?


Registered User

I'm being made redundant and will have approx €30k that I'd like to deposit. Unfortunately, no new job on the horizon so I will need access to the cash.

I currently have a Rabo account (4.3%)but from looking at the best buys page, there are better accounts out there. I was thinking of putting €20k into an Anglo premium demand account (5.3%) and €10k into an AIB online notice deposit account (5.25%).

I'd appreciate any advice anyone can give here. I also have to be as safe as possible with this cash because I may be without any income for some time.

Have you read the Financial Best Buys forum and lists of deposit accounts on offer and the many, many, many existing threads on how to mix and match different accounts with a view towards (a) maximising deposit interest returns and (b) spreadking the risk among different banks?
Yes, I mentioned that I have looked in the best buys and come to some conclusions and wanted to see if anyone had any better suggestions.
There are lots of existing threads with better suggestions than your's above - mostly involving the additional use of c. 7/8% regular saver accounts.