Bench in Dublin graveyard


Registered User
My family and i have tried for four years unsuccessfully to have a bench placed in a graveyard in Dublin, in honour of our parents.

We were told to apply in writing to a certain man in Tallaght . We have written phoned etc on lots of occasions. He doesent respond to phone calls, doesent reply to letters; how do we handle this?

We don't want to annoy this man so have not spoken to him personally as we don't want to give him any reason to say no .

This is very important to the family.

Any ideas what we can do?

Find out who runs the graveyard, it could be the local authority or it could be a private trust.
Many have rules on what can be put in the cemetery, particularly if it's a large one as if they allow one family to put up a memorial other that a headstone they would have to allow everyone leading to a very cluttered cemetery.
Could you maybe look at other ways of remembering your relative?
I tried without success to have a bench placed in Glendalough in memory of someone very special to me. In the end I planted a tree in my garden and think of him when I see it.
Good luck in your search.
spoke to the people who own the graveyard they put us on to this man but we cant get him to respond either way .
If you are referring to Newlands Cemetery in Tallaght it is these people who look after same [broken link removed]
thanks everyone found a site for south dublin county council on site problem is being sorted as we speak
to be honest, I think the main reason is that they probably dont want any gangs etc hanging around the graveyard. You will be surprised when a bench is suddenly put somewhere how many people hang around for all the wrong reasons.
Therefore I agree there shouldnt be one. At my loved ones grave, if I want to see and talk to them, I usually bring a little blanket and sit at the side of the grave..
Its terrible in this day and age that you cant have such a bench, but sure look what happened all along the liffey, that lovely walkboard ruined with junkies hanging around the benchies...