Avant Money to pay €1,500 switching fee to Ulster and KBC customers in Q1


Registered User
My broker tells me that the €1500 is for new applications in Q1 for those switching from KBC or UB as they are exiting the market.
Hi Spinner

An interesting promotion.

So if you are an Ulster Bank or a KBC customer, you should not apply to switch to Avant until January.

According to mortgage brokers it will be a short-term promotion aimed at getting Ulster Bank and KBC customers to switch.

I plan to switch from UB to Avant.

I got AIP from Avant last week, using an online calculator.

I hope that doesn't exclude me from this offer?

I have not approached a broker yet.
I rang Bonkers yesterday regarding the article on €1,500 for switchers to Avant from UB and KBC.

They confirmed the offer is live and only available through "selected" brokers. So it seems not all brokers have been given this offer.

I decided to look online a little more and noticed the Facebook page of First Rate Mortgages have a post on December 20th explaining the details of the offer (ie the same as the bonkers article).

So to me it seems the offer is live but only through "selected" brokers.

Hopefully this helps someone

I see what you mean.

"We are delighted to say that First Rate have been made a 'Gold Partner' with Avant Money for 2022, one of only a few Brokers in the country to have received this.

The benefit of this to our clients is that we get faster turnaround on applications coming through First Rate as well as exclusive offers. The first of these offers is for anyone who has a mortgage with KBC or Ulster Bank, Avant Money will now give €1,500 towards the legal fees if you switch your mortgage to them."
spoke to one of the fee-free brokers listed here who confirmed the 1500 offer to switch from KBC / UB, and they mentioned that it is in place until March . all of the Avant 'Gold' Partners have access to this offer
Avant have not promoted this offer, odd.
They don't publish a list of their "Gold Partner" brokers.
Does anyone know if the switch need to be completed before the end of March or is it just a case of starting the process before then?
Folks, there were three separate cases discussed in this thread which makes it hard to follow.

Please keep this thread for the general issue only.

Start a new thread with the Case Study prefix if you wish to ask about your own case.
I applied in December to move my mortgage from UB to Avant. I phoned Avant today and my broker and am not eligible for this €1,500. It sounds crazy but should I just reapply through another broker? Very unfair on my current broker. It's not their fault.
What would you do?
Hi Spinner

An interesting promotion.

So if you are an Ulster Bank or a KBC customer, you should not apply to switch to Avant until January.


So it seems those who made contact with Avant before the first of January are excluded from the offer. You may subsequently get mortgage approval or not, you may not receive a loan offer until March 2022 but you will still be excluded.

My broker informs me that they weren't informed about the terms and conditions until offices opened back up in January (Despite it being in the Irish Times on the 2nd Dec!).
I applied in December to move my mortgage from UB to Avant. I phoned Avant today and my broker and am not eligible for this €1,500. It sounds crazy but should I just reapply through another broker? Very unfair on my current broker. It's not their fault.
What would you do?

Have you received a loan offer out of interest?
I haven't received a loan offer yet. The valuation guy was just here yesterday.

Should I reapply through another broker? Its harsh on my existing broker but maybe for €1,500. I think my existing broker should be upset with Avant. It's a bit amateur from them annoying their sales channel.
Do you have confirmation from another broker that your application would count as a "new" application? Would you have to do the valuation again?

To be fair to the brokers they are caught too.

If you are not "gold" broker, you are not going to get any switcher applicants coming to you.
If you are a "gold" broker, why wouldn't your customers go to another broker and make a new application?
If you are a customer disqualified on the basis that you made an application before a certain date i.e. before they even deemed you a potential customer, then why wouldn't you go to ICS? Its no loss to you on interest rates, you might qualify for future cashback from Avant as a new customer and you indicate to them that they don't actually have you over a barrel!

The sneaky mystery around it is really childish. Its not even on their website.
This article (paywalled) and this one, both from the last few days, mention the €1,500 switcher incentive for UB and KBC customers.

But yeah it's weird that Avant aren't making a big splash about it.