Are You embarrassed?

Yes - they're almost as annoying as those stupid Vodafone ads featuring the type of stereotypical smarmy/macho office workers and bosses ("No - we do not need a new laptop...") that I've had the pleasure of never having to work with. And if ever ran my own business and let the little wife play the subservient home office receptionist with the baby is hanging out of her while I took a shower in anticipation of a round of golf I think I'll just call it a day and top myself... :(
ClubMan said:
Yes - they're almost as annoying as those stupid Vodafone ads featuring the type of stereotypical smarmy/macho office workers and bosses ("No - we do not need a new laptop...") that I've had the pleasure of never having to work with. And if ever ran my own business and let the little wife play the subservient home office receptionist with the baby is hanging out of her while I took a shower in anticipation of a round of golf I think I'll just call it a day and top myself... :(

Ah no, who would answer 99.9% 6f the queries on this site?
That vodafone ad - if you ran your business by having to call 6 different people to fix one problem, you wouldn't be in business for too long, no matter how free the call was!!
Even if you did have to ring round to fix a loose power connection, whatever happened to manners like 'Hello' and 'thanks, bye'. Very abrupt bunch!!
No matter how bad those ads seem the food safety authority ad takes the biscuit (with unwashed hands).................... :)

Who makes these ads, and worst of all who thinks they are good enough to pay for and show on TV??
This TV licence ad should be banned. Some people can't afford a TV Licence and others might be concientious objectors who do not want to pay a licence fee to fund a so-called public service broadcaster which still has adverisements! Rather than grossly overpay its staff, it would make more sense to use the licence fee revenue to negate the need for commercial support. The chat shows invariably have someone plugging something with the host being toe-curlingly deferrential towards them. Good value for my €152? I think not! They are just pathetically trying to make it socially unacceptable not to pay your licence fee. Thinking on, in an ideal world, this sort of advertising campaign would be useful to target "democracy defaulters" i.e. SF/IRA supporters and make them social outcasts.
Geegee, I think your argument is a bit weak. There are those of us who are objectors when it comes to the very idea of income tax. However, if those people don't pay their tax, they are rightly called criminals and punished by society.

Just because you don't agree/like something, doesn't mean you shouldn't have to pay for it if that's the law of the land.

If people can't afford a tv licence, they shouldn't have a tv. Television is not a human right (yet - I'm sure the Equality Agency is working on that one!).
If you object that much to RTE's chronic inefficiency and general cr@pness, get rid of your TV.
If you object that much to RTE's chronic inefficiency and general cr@pness, get rid of your TV.
This would be passive rather than active. I agree with public service broadcasting and the need for a TV licence but the more I get to know about second rate presenters (to say the least) getting obscene pay packages the more I object to paying it. A licence fee is needed but there should be:

Adispensation in cases of genuine hardship.
A big reduction in advertising and "plugging".
A root and branch review of all salaries with a "put up or shut up" approach as the staff would have nowhere else to go and no-one would employ them anyway. This would free-up revenue to be offset against the loss of advertising revenue.
What about RTE Sports "Free to air" ads? How can they call it free? You can get sky sports for the same price as the tv license.
I agree with you Geegee that advertising on RTE should cease. Also, as you point out, the ludicrous salaries paid to RTE 'personalities' or in the case of certain extremely well paid ones, their companies, should be reviewed on a market basis - given that as you say, most would not be re-hired elsewhere, why does RTE feel it is the 'talent' that holds the upper hand in negotiations?

However, I don't feel 'public service' broadcasting is necessary - its hardly as if RTE does much of a service to the public, unless you count free premiership football as a service. Oh, and throwing gazillions down the well-greased drain that is TG4, that must be a 'public service' too.

At the end of the day (as Davo O'Leary would say) we still have to pay it and just put up or shut up.
I have to say I would love to get rid of my TV. I must spend one or two entire nights every week aimlessly flicking through the consist junk that is on the TV.

RTE have a lot to answer for, all they do lately is copy whatever reality program that’s has been flogged to death on every other channel before remaking it as their own, the farm is the first one to spring to mind. And if it is not that they just reinvent whatever was once successful again, Ryan Tubridy is a clone of DNA from Gay Byrne and Pat Kenny as entertaining as paint drying!!

What I would like to see is a complete revamp of RTE. New fresh management with different ideas needs to take over. Although people complain about TG4 there is something different about that station and I think it is going the right way!
"I have to say I would love to get rid of my TV."

Mrs Wavejumper and yours truly did just that 3 years ago. we just rent DVD's now or listen to music, cook, or whatever else young lovers do...

Also watching movies without ads is worth the dvd rental price alone, no more 15 minutes tv3 ads at 8 minutes intervals.
I hate the eircom 11811 ads so much that I now only use 11850 when I need a number,
daithi said:
..bring back Judge and the Safe Cross Code....daithi
Hear hear..
And while youre at it, get rid of the "Fleetwood would, would Fleetwood" mini-rap on tv and radio at the moment. And shoot whatever eejit thought it was a good idea..
Could never quite get that...was it 'Fleetwood wood, wood Fleetwood' as opposed to 'would'.....

..also think the revised run of a Kerry Gold butter add is a bit spaz....your luvly Irsh girl not able to get off the island & being landed with some other French eegit..