Are there any banks they I shouldn't deposit with?


Registered User
I have sold a house and need to deposit my remaining equity for a while.

I have the list of banks covered under the ELG Scheme Gov guarantee scheme.

Are there any of these banks/building societies, e.g. Irish Nationwide, AIB BOI etc that are looking particularly shaky at the moment?
What do you mean by shaky? AIB, Anglo and INBS have yet to get their survival plans approved by the EC.

Have you considered Nationwide UK for your deposit? Have you read the 3 best buy threads?

yes i looked at the Best Buys and that's why I was considering Irish Nationwide.
Best Buys - Highest Term Deposit Rates:

3 Months - Irish Nationwide - 3.55%
7 Months - EBS - 3.53%
1 Year - Irish Nationwide and Anglo Irish Bank - 3.50%
2 Years - Nationwide UK - 3.25%
3 Years - State Savings - 4.30%
5.5 Years - State Savings - 4.70%

I don't want to put it out for longer than 3 months so that reduces the number of institutions that are offering good rates.

I also read somewhere that a term deposit needs to be 3 months plus to qualify for the ELG guarantee lasting beyond the 29th Sept 2010.
good question Gallery,
the best buys thread is referring to best rates afaik & doesn't consider the stability of the bank or the liklihood of the bank going bust.

Like you I have money to put on deposit & the best buys thread shows me the best rates but doesn't advise of other risks, a discussion on this by those in the know would be most useful...over to those of you in the know.