Motor Approx 17% increase in this years car insurance premium


Registered User
I got my car insured last year for approx 370 euro. This year the same insurance group are looking for 435....Have any others experienced this rate of increase?

I switched to this group last year as much lower than previous insurer but this is significant increase (no accidents, no points, clean licence etc..). Interested to see what others are experiencing
I got a 25% increase in renewal premium partly due to 2 penalty points. I am with Hibernian Aviva.
I must give them a ring to try and get a reduction.
Was with axa and moved in 2009 to 123...

same rubbish every year on renewals... i ring them... always they say.. ''that is their best offer but if you receive better ring them back and they will see what they can do!''... i used to ring axa back every year without ringing another and they always reduced..but last year they didnt reduce so moved to 123 at considerable reduction..maybe they are trying to get some of it back now
This happens to me every year.I suppose it is the penalty for shopping around.Have you tried Tesco car insurance?
I was told once by axa that they could only give me a reduction on their quote every second year! I jump ship now most years as the insurance companies rely on the fact most people wont bother..

Got a renewal quote from Aon for my bike for 672 euro this year. Adelaide are doing it with no claims protection for 540.. Time to jump ship again..
..... I jump ship now most years as the insurance companies rely on the fact most people wont bother..

I agree. definitely people dont want the hassle of ringing around... i willmake few calls and let ye know how i get on

thanks for the replies