Applying to pay voluntary ni contributions


Registered User
I am currently filling out the form and want to add details to ensure we pay class 2. We can buy back from 2006. How detailed do I need to be as we had a couple of years in Australia and hubby had some time self employed in Spain while on career breaks.
The main thing is to show that you are working abroad during the period for which you want to pay Class 2. There are some other conditions, and I am not sure if 'abroad' covers all countries, but the best thing is to make your best case and see what happens.

In my case, I got a record of my PRSI contributions for Ireland and sent them that. I also sent a list of all my employment history since leaving the UK and I backed this up with letters of offer, employment contracts, and a recent payslip to show I am still with my current company.

To be honest, I think I went a bit over the top, just because I have reasonably good records. I would say that the PRSI record was the most important one.
I backed this up with letters of offer, employment contracts, and a recent payslip to show I am still with my current company.

Obvious and significant data protection risks attach to transmitting such a volume of potentially sensitive information to what is ultimately an unknown third party.

The only scenario where I'd personally even consider doing likewise is in response to an order of discovery from a court, and even then I'd only be furnishing same on foot of legal advice.
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Obvious and significant data protection risks attach to transmitting such a volume of potentially sensitive information to what is ultimately an unknown third party.

The only scenario where I'd personally even consider doing likewise is in response to an order of discovery from a court, and even then I'd only be furnishing same on foot of legal advice.
I know! To make it worse, I sent them a cheque for a few thousand euros a few weeks later! :oops:
OK - I have just paid for all the years I could - thanks to everyone on AMM for pointing out that this was possible.

I could pay another 10 years of voluntary NI contributions to get the max UK pension. Does anyone know when the time limit is for doing this? Do I have to pay each year or can I let it run for a few years and then send one cheque to cover say 4-5 years?
I paid 16 years back in May and I have another 5 years to get to bring me to 35. As I am 67 in 5 years' time, I can wait till then if I like, to pay in one lump, as you can go back 6 years. I'm currently not working and drawing down from an ARF, so I am thinking that a PRSI readout for DSP with Class S contributions and a carefully worded description of my "employment", may enable me to swing Class 2 contribs.
OK - I have just paid for all the years I could - thanks to everyone on AMM for pointing out that this was possible.

I could pay another 10 years of voluntary NI contributions to get the max UK pension. Does anyone know when the time limit is for doing this? Do I have to pay each year or can I let it run for a few years and then send one cheque to cover say 4-5 years?
How long did it take them to get back to you? I posted my form a few weeks ago Wondering how long before I hear anything back and if there’s any benefit in following up with a call maybe in January??
I paid my annual voluntary contribution back in april but have not received any comms from hmrc at all at all.
I sent off my forms around this time last year, and took around 6 months for a reply with the amount to pay (i guess covid would have been a problem here). You might be wise to give them a call, to first make sure they have received the form, and to ask how long the wait might be, they informed me what month the international section was doing at that time, and gave me an estimated guess when mine would be sorted.
I know things are supposed to change in April, so i would ask if they have the paperwork in process will you still be able to go back the 16years or so.
Any idea how long they take to get back to you? Just sent off forms.
I sent off my form in June and got a response in October. Check other threads in this forum about changes to the system as I was told that only NI contributions for years 2016 onward would count towards increasing my pension.
I sent off my form in June and got a response in October. Check other threads in this forum about changes to the system as I was told that only NI contributions for years 2016 onward would count towards increasing my pension.
I thought that you could buy back to 2006 if done before April 2023 and the would count.
I thought that you could buy back to 2006 if done before April 2023 and the would count.
In the response letter to my form it lists the amounts to pay for all years from 2006 and gives the time limit for all the years apart from the last 6 as April 5th 2023. However, the letter also stated "Due to changes in the law, you need the Pension Service to confirm whether your State Pension will increase if you pay any shortfall". I rang the Future Pensions people and they told me only years from 2016 would count. Maybe it depends on your particular circumstances?
I wrote off in late Feb this year and in early May rang them and was told it was taking 10 weeks, they did confirm they had received the form etc. I got a letter late May, it took 2 weeks to get to me, going by date of letter. I'd imagine wait time could be longer now with more applications. Hopefully they will honor those applications in the system.
If you have just sent off a form, you might not hear until March.

Can anyone advise if I should apply to pay additional voluntary NI contributions.

I went to university in Northern Ireland and had a part time job from 2001 to Dec 2003. I graduated / left the north in June 2004. Started working back in Ireland from June/July 2004 until Jan 2012. I have been back working in Northern Ireland since Feb 2012 but still live in Rep of Ireland.

I guess I could pay for 2006 to 2012. Would this be correct?

Thank you.
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Can anyone advise if I should apply to pay additional voluntary NI contributions.

I went to university in Northern Ireland and had a part time job from 2001 to Dec 2003. I graduated / left the north in June 2004. Started working back in Ireland from June/July 2004 until Jan 2012. I have been back working in Northern Ireland since Feb 2012 but still live in Rep of Ireland.

I guess I could pay for 2006 to 2012. Would this be correct?

Thank you.
I think you need a minimum of 3 years NI contributions and as far as I know University doesn't count so it could be based solely on your part-time job
I think you need a minimum of 3 years NI contributions and as far as I know University doesn't count so it could be based solely on your part-time job
I had only ten months contributions over two tax years and they allowed me to make voluntary Class 3 NICs (more expensive than Class 2). It's still great value.

@waterman - you should send off the form and see what they tell you.