Anyone know any good Irish web development company



I have just launched a new Irish Local community website.

On this website there is business directory which list businesses basic details for free. Some businesses may wish to upgrade their listing to appear top of their category or even have their own web page, and some may even want their own website.
I do not want to become a web development company at the moment, but I would like to be able to recommend my clients to a trusted and reliable good quality web design company.

If anyone has had an experience with web development companies please let me know the good ones and those I should avoid.
We used
[broken link removed]

for our site and found them very professional and more importantly very helpful.
Thanks for all the replies so far. For those who have replied, do you know how these companies compare on price? I do not want to recommend the cheapest company just for the sake of it, but I want to get the best value for my clients.
A lot depends on the company and the area of business they are in. Some are of the old school mindset that the web is still a fad so will do it on the cheap, others see real potential in the internet and will spend a lot of money on it.

I know a friend of mine who designs websites for small companies on the side of his main job and is doing very well, however his prices are a lot less than most professional web design companies but his sites are very good quality.

So depends on what the clients are willing to spend, as content and the type of site, as in if there is a lot of animation, a database back end, online store etc will determine price and you cant afford to skimp on security etc if they place on using the site for an online store.

Personally, I wouldnt recommend anyone unless I could presonally vouch for their sites as there is more to it than simply desiging a site, there is whole consultation process, design, agreeing on logos, continuous maintenance and updating of site etc.
