Any unusual phobias?

My Brother-in-law has one of the strangest phobias I have heard.

He is terrified of people with Down Syndrom. He hates telling anybody because he feels so bad about it, but he just cant help it.
Clowns. My friends think its hilarious. But I can't go to a circus in case I have to look at one. Pictures of them too. Just there at Christmas there was a clowns face on the slide at the Galway Christmas Market and it nearly made me throw up. Dirty things!
Smashbox, have you ever read "It" by Stephen King?

Would reading about clowns also cause you a problem?
I have both read it and seen the film. The first time I read it I was about 14, an avid reader and a big King fan. It did disturb me, but being a horror fan I still enjoyed it. I could always tell myself that Pennywise was just a character that King made up, not a real life clown.