Antisocial behaviour in Dublin


Registered User
I was shown video from social media of a large amount of youths jumping on the bonnets and roofs of cars which were stopped in traffic in Dublin city centre. Details and video here.
My initial suggestion that the Garda Mounted Unit should be deployed after being issued with cavalry sabres may have been a small bit of an over reaction but what should the Gardaí do in these situations?
While this is a policing matter in the first instance, the deeper question is why does this kind of thing happen, and lets face it happen in Dublin.

The decrepit city centre, the open drug dealing, the shoplifting culture, the street and Luas brawls, and this type of mass loutishness. I have no doubt there are instances like this elsewhere in the country but it seems to me a Dublin issue primarily. There is a significant underclass which does not feel part of society.

I blame the parents ! :)
While this is a policing matter in the first instance, the deeper question is why does this kind of thing happen, and lets face it happen in Dublin.

The decrepit city centre, the open drug dealing, the shoplifting culture, the street and Luas brawls, and this type of mass loutishness. I have no doubt there are instances like this elsewhere in the country but it seems to me a Dublin issue primarily. There is a significant underclass which does not feel part of society.

I blame the parents ! :)
The parents certainly often paly a part but there's a strong element of "Monkey see, Monkey do".
There is a significant underclass which feels that it's okay to exploit the rest of society.
I'm torn between the side of me that want's to see greater investment in education and training and the other side which would neuter the lot of them.
The parents certainly often paly a part but there's a strong element of "Monkey see, Monkey do".
There is a significant underclass which feels that it's okay to exploit the rest of society.
I'm torn between the side of me that want's to see greater investment in education and training and the other side which would neuter the lot of them.

Well given that neutering isn't going to happen, lets stay with the education and training.

Actually I think the education has a lot to answer for. Most kids behave well most of the time, because that is their nature. Many kids are kept inline by telling them that if they don't behave themselves x y and z will happen. Many kids respond to that, however those that do not respond and continue to act badly, soon discover that there are in fact no consequences. Telling a kis like this that they are suspended for a few days is just rewarding them, most schools rarely if ever expel kids.
Well given that neutering isn't going to happen, lets stay with the education and training.

Actually I think the education has a lot to answer for. Most kids behave well most of the time, because that is their nature. Many kids are kept inline by telling them that if they don't behave themselves x y and z will happen. Many kids respond to that, however those that do not respond and continue to act badly, soon discover that there are in fact no consequences. Telling a kis like this that they are suspended for a few days is just rewarding them, most schools rarely if ever expel kids.
It's more a case of the kids with 50 convictions by the time they are 18 who then have a few kids and get a house and income handed to them. They are the ones I have a problem with, or more specifically, I have a problem with a system that allows it to happen. What chance have their children got with parents like that.