AM Newspaper sellers with a death-wish


Registered User
Surely this practice of giving out newpapers at junctions is going to come to an unpleasant end some day. I've seen so many close calls on my way down the Long Mile road every morning with these people walking back to the lights between two lanes of moving traffic and also running in front of cars not having noticed that the lights are green and the car is about to move off.
And then theres the drivers that stop on a green light to collect a paper!!!! :mad: How dangerous is that! I see it at least every second morning at a particular junction where I'm making a right turn. Traffics moving through the junction, car in front's brake-lights go on as could be expected and then suddenly stops and the hand goes out! I've learned to leave plenty of room at this stage but I've seen many close ones as many drivers start to accelerate to the junction if the lights are about to change and then have to jam on the brakes because some idiot has stopped for a paper.