Almay Make-Up, Dublin


Registered User

Does anyone know where I can buy Almay make-up in Dublin, can't find it anywhere??!
Ahhhh Almay! Hard to get in Dublin now! Have managed to get it in Boots in the Jervis Centre (but it seems to be the only Boots in town that stock it)
Oh thanks, I'll try both!
Don't know why they seem to be pulling it from everywhere!
Its a pity you can't buy online from their website, they only seem to list the US stockists too
If you know anyone travelling to States, you could get them to pick some up....My mother uses it so managed to get her a supply last year. Then discovered they had some in Boots in the Jervis. Hope its still there for you! Must not have been selling in Ireland or something...
I use Almay Amazing Lasting, and haven't been successful in getting in over 6 months (have tried Jervis and it wasn't there :-(), have now started using Revol Color Stay, and find it as good. However, if you are successful in the quest for Almay, please post and let us all know.
