Airline food



I'm a bit of a fussy eater and have never eaten an airline "meal" apart from the odd bread roll and butter on holiday flights and the days when aerlingus would give you a choc muffin and cup of tea going from Dublin to the UK

This year I'm doing a bit of travelling and will be going on a few long flights between quantas and australian airlines. Has anyone experienced the catering on either of these? I intend bringing my own food but I think there are regulations limiting this.
Mrs. hansov is also a little fussy with airline food (me - anything goes if just to while away 10 minutes). She now pre-orders vegetarian even though she is not a vegetarian. Everytime she gets a meal it is very appetising and makes me lick my lips. Perhaps this could be an option for you.

checked the australian airline website, which boasts "no need to pre-order"
I suppose I should just stay at home if I'm too sissy for a long flight! There's a McDonalds in nearly every airport in the world anyway! (Although I couldn't find one in Madrid)
Re: pre-order

Mrs Stobear tends to hand over the stuff she doesn't like to me, and she gets the extra breadrolls and desserts from me, at least she is not hungrey.

If hungrey enough (sto)Bears will eat their way through a rubbish tip, but only the males apparently...
Re: pre-order

There's a McDonalds in nearly every airport in the world anyway!
WHat's the point in travelling the world if you're going to eat the same oul stodge? Live dangerously - eat some local foods.
Re: pre-order

While I do eat native foods from countries I visit, 'living dangerously' can result in being sat on the toilet for days on end with a variety of ailments. Wifey bear returned from a cental American country and its taken her 2 months to fully recover. Food preparation using the local water can play havoc with metabolisms not used to the bacteria.

I love trying local foods but sometimes even McDonalds is a safer alternative to airplane food!
I can't remember where it was we were going but I have a really embarrassing memory of my other half walking around Dublin airport with a huge foil wrapped "package" under his oxter. One might have been suspicious of him until he sat on his suitcase and opened the package to eat the turkey sandwiches.

I only started this thread to hear about other people's experiences of airplane food
Re: food

"I intend bringing my own food but I think there are regulations limiting this. "

If you using some of the more aggressive 'low cost' operators then hide your food before check in.... Otherwise its odds on that they will want to weigh it & hope to charge you for excess baggage. :D
In the US at least, most airports have cafes and the like that are selling 'food to go' type packs. (eg. salad roll/drink/cookie). This is a recent enough trend probably driven by the move away from free food by the airlines.

This trend is probably going to spread to other places in the near future. Anyway bottom line is that I do not think there should be any problem with binging your own food with you. The only problem I could see, is some of the more aggressive low-cost airlines being unhappy that you would not be buying the food that they want to sell you instead.
Bring it through in your carry-on luggage.
Mrs. hansov is also a little fussy with airline food (me - anything goes if just to while away 10 minutes). She now pre-orders vegetarian even though she is not a vegetarian. Everytime she gets a meal it is very appetising and makes me lick my lips. Perhaps this could be an option for you.

A colleague of mine and his wife do this (randomly selecting vegetarian, Kosher etc.) so that they get their food first!

This trend is probably going to spread to other places in the near future. Anyway bottom line is that I do not think there should be any problem with binging your own food with you. The only problem I could see, is some of the more aggressive low-cost airlines being unhappy that you would not be buying the food that they want to sell you instead.
Bring it through in your carry-on luggage.

Well, it's hardly any use in your suitcase now is it? :lol
Re: Spicy boiled sausages - yach!

I'll never forget one flight to Menorca when son (very fussy eater especially when it comes to veggies/anything healthy) proceeded to eat his way thru numerous spicy boiled sausages and raved about them. Made me reach for the air sickness bags all the more :x
Re: Spicy boiled sausages - yach!

You'll be afraid you ever asked questions about airline food after looking at this site.. really there is everything on the internet :)
Re: Spicy boiled sausages - yach!

I know it's mental, but I LOVE airline meals. Not so much for the taste (obviously) but the whole experience. I love the anticipation of "what is it?", trying to guess by smell and willing the steward(ess) to get a move on and get the trolley down to our seat. I love all the little packets and disposable everything (I know, v unenvironmentally friendly heinbloed! :) ) and how every inch of space on the little tray seems to have a purpose or a mutli-purpose. I love the swopping bits and pieces thing; a breadroll for an orange juice etc. Some of them are even quite tasty, although it can be tricky to identify just what you are eating. We had a lovely Roast Chicken on the way back from Austria with Monarch Airlines at Christmas. I can honestly say it was far nicer than anything we eat for a whole week in Austria!

I think it brings me back to being a kid. It was the highlight of the flight. It felt like the high life and I suppose it was. Damn Ryanair and the democratisation of air travel and decline of the airline meal :) ! (just kidding)


PS Love that website Dr K
Re: Spicy boiled sausages - yach!

I realised that perhaps my snappy remarks slamming Sinead for going to McD's were a bit premature. I realised this as I sat in McD's in a certain US airport this week. But it was for different reasons - It wasn't that I was unwilling to try the local food for fear of Dehli belly. It was simply that the alternative 'local food' offerings in the departures area looked really dodgy, so even McD's can be the best option, in some limited circumstances.

Why does everyone treat McD's like they are a last resort! At least they have pretty stringent safety regulations and a reputation to adhere to. And it really is 100% beef. (won't comment on the nuggets!)

Best Airline food is the Aer Lingus Irish breakfast if you're on an early flight, trouble is they nearly always run out the seat before they get to you.
Re: McD's

Best Airline food is the Aer Lingus Irish breakfast if you're on an early flight.

Have to agree there, it is well worth the 8 euros. Very nice
Irish brekkie

1st leg of outbound flight is with aerlingus, any chance they'd serve an irish breakfast at 4pm in the afternoon???

That would be a nice thing to have on the flight home from Frankfurt to Dublin but they will probably all be sold on the outbound flight (Happens every time I want a sandwich on an aerlingus flight home!)

I found that on google, I love the pictures especially the ones of empty plates, which are reassuring! Better than the hard coloured pasta shapes and curry (weird combination - at least thats what it LOOKED like) I got en route to Lanzarote a few years back
The meals on Aer Lingus on Good Fridays are decent. Fish (salmon) of course - I assume they're prepared just for that day
aer lingus

I've already asked Aer whether they would consider allowing you book a breakfast online when ordering seats - think they thought i was mad!

It sounds like a fairly reasonable request to me. If x amount of people booked and paid for a meal when booking their flight, surely it would be easier for the airline to determine how many meals were needed and therefore, would not run out of them as they usually do.

What airlines DO let you pre-book meals?
You'd think a certain airline would try that, full irish breakfast Stg£6/€8 + booking fee + €6 credit card fee
Tea/coffee/toast/milk/sugar extra