Access to child


Registered User

I separated from my wife two years ago with a verbal agreement only. We have a child together, and our verbal agreement was that she would have the child 5 days a week, and I would have weekends. Now due to personal issues between us, she does not allow me take the child for weekends and when I try to talk to her, all she says is "take me to court".

I see I will have to go down that route, as she kills off any communication in start. I heard I could apply directly to District Court, and I am more than certain that I will get a court order letting me have the child at weekends especially since that has been the case over past two years and child is well used to that routine.

Do I need a solicitor to apply for such order, and how do I go about making this application?

Any replies are much appreciated.

No, you do not need a solicitor. Make an appt to meet the local district court clerk and they will take you through the paperwork.

I heard I could apply directly to District Court, and I am more than certain that I will get a court order letting me have the child at weekends especially since that has been the case over past two years and child is well used to that routine.


Once you have the application in you need to prepare for Courts. Strat by looking at the family law report on below...they will give you some idea of possible similar cases tom yours..Also have a look at and see how other people's cases wenty and tips they may have..

[broken link removed]
Mick, I've been through it. The courts are very favorable to a father who steps up to the plate on access and maintenance. Theres enough run away fathers out there and a man taking his responsibility is to be applauded so don't be fearful of the court scenario. If there has been a designated routine then that will usually stand, unless cirsumstances such as employment committments etc make it impossible for either party to meet it but an alternative would be trashed out.

Fair play to you and have no fear of the process. I did use a solicitor, it took a lot of meetings and letters etc then 2 days in the court setting with a barrister there, day one was all about trashing things out (in 2 seperate rooms with sols going back and forth) but at 4pm with no agreement it was postponed to a new date and on that date it went straight in front of judge who ruled totally in my favour and told my ex to have along hard look at how her personal views were affecting the emotional well being of our child. All in all I found it a very satisfactory service and would highly reccomend anyone splitting to get a legal arrangement rather than relying on verbals which can go haywire at any given time as we well know!

Good luck with it
You dont need a solicitor. Lodge an application for access with the distrcit court. The judge will side with you if she has stopped for no reason after 2 years of being amicable. Has she or you started seeing someone else and this is the reason for her sudden bitterness?
I found the judges very fair in the family court. As Maxol says above, there are enough deadbeat dads out there and the judges look favorably on ones who are decent enough to step up to the plate and look after their responsibilties.
Good luck.