access and guardianship



anyone have knowledge in this matter would be greatfull?

a judge did not give the mother a chance to speak, ignore what the mother had said, solicitor of the other party talks over the mother during hearing, judge believes everything the other party said without any proof of evidence, granted access to the other party supervise by his own mother, access takes place in our house for 3 hours every saturday was granted and that the we are not allowed to be in our own home during these 3 hours. for 4 months and to be review for guardianship, where the other party has not been making the efford nor taking time to make contact except for birthday and christmas, never given any maintence, and only require to give 25euro per week ordered by the judge in order to gain access. judge ignored the existing of the loco parentis that has always been there everyday of the childs life since the child was 6 months old,at that time the other party only ever made efford to see the child 4 times from birth. and never heard from any of them from the other party since, again except birthday and christmas, they also got her birthday wrong in court.

anyone can help on this subject? we are going to be appealing the case.
what happen when we put in the appeal from there on? on monday, tomorrow we are going to do so.

P.S. the reason of the natural father seeks access is because I - the loco parentis was being appointed as the legal guardian of the child, reason being is because I was there for our little girl everyday in her life and had since giving up everything I had in my possession for the best interest of our little many of you would already know that the recession has been a disasters to many of us. secondly, my girlfriend(mother of the child) was infected by the natural father with HPV during the pregnancy of our 3 year old girl because he cheated on her at the time, which was the reason of their seperation, we have now also have a 15months old baby girl, which I am no longer able to provide as much as I did for our 3 year old girl, because I have nothing left, and both myself and our 15months old baby girl have both been ignored by the judge as a family member. and there also has been an incindent of an assult at the time of the seperation.

also our 3 year old girl DOES NOT knows any of them, to her they are complete strangers.

thanks in advice
Appeal the decision. Keep a diary of events proving the lack of access. If the mother feels that she was not listened to she could get a solicitor, but she will have to pay or try and get legal aid. She can represent herself again at the appeal( I'm assuming that's what happened, the OP is sketchy) but she will have to be prepared to go through the same thing again.

There is no relationship between the amount of money paid for maintenance and the amount of access given. It is not a quid pro quo situation, the more (or less) you pay does not equate to more or less access.

The natural father is still the father of the child and he can seek access and guardianship through the courts.

If there was a violent incident then it should have been reported to the Gardai, if there is no other evidence it cannot be used in court.
The natural father is still the father of the child and he can seek access and guardianship through the courts.

This is true. Natural parents will ALWAYS be given access to their children unless there are some very extreme circumstances i.e. that the childs life is at risk. Whatever you think about this guy, he is the childs father and it is usually in the best interests of any child to have a relationship with their parents.