A house on a main road, good idea?


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We are a family of 3. We are looking to buy at the moment and found a house which we kind of like and price seems good but there is one problem, it is on a main road in a small/medium town. Road seems fairly busy, I've seen few trucks on it. So my question is: would you consider a house in the main road?
No. Its a buyer's market and with a child a busy road may be dangerous. If the road gest busier over the years they may widen it. Have you checked if there any plans afoot already. Could the parking be a problem already or access may be troublesome.
Generally it's an undesirable characteristic, but because of that you may get it cheaper than an equivalent house on a quieter stretch.

There is a safety element to it like all roads, however I'd be more concerned with other quality of life issues, most notably noise, but also parking as mentioned by Sue Ellen. Have you been inside the house and listened carefully for the noise? Does it need new windows? Who will be sleeping in the rooms facing the road? From the garden, can you hear it clearly? Would that annoy you?

It's a tricky one to decide on, because what might not bother you at 2 pm on a Saturday viewing might bother you a lot more at midnight on a Tuesday. Also, it may not bother you, but might drive your spouse nuts.
Also consider dirt/dust, people pulling in on your layby. Neighbours house perpendicular to ours on main road, out washing windows weekly, sweeping tarmaced layby. Just heard people over the road though getting €7K for giving up good bit road frontage for road widening (how I thought this very little). Safety is def an issue if small child/ren.
While the possibility of off road living may appeal now I would suggest that in time as kids get older this will prove to be a headache. I know from experience. Consider all factors before purchasing. What is the traffic like at peak times, would it be easy for you to enter / exit your house at these times, noise factor is a big consideration, will the front garden be usable with all taffic passing (could you safely let kids out there). Also, an issue we had a few occasions was that the local bus would stop outside our house - not a major issue you might say but people on double deckers could quiet easily see into 2nd floor of the house !!! You will have little / less privacy depending of course how far back from the road etc you are.
I agree with Tiredpaul. I live on a National Road and as traffic has increased over the last 30 years, entry and exit has become very difficult and dangerous. Noise has also increased and family prefer the rear bedroom when they come visiting. Also now need a gate for grandchildren playing in front garden and as they get older will have to increase height of front wall.
Only good thing is that all of the above makes valuation for property tax very easy. Not worth a dime now!!!
My aunt, who is 77 and lives on a main road in Dublin says it is her big regret that they never moved from there.
Thanks everyone for your post. We've taken into accounts your advise and other circumstances and have decided to withdraw our initial offer.
What initially looks and seems like a bargain may turn out in a nightmare in years to come.