9 top tips for feeding your garden birds

Sue Ellen

As the weather is getting so cold and snow is appearing just a small reminder not to forget the poor birds
As the weather is getting so cold and snow is appearing just a small reminder not to forget the poor birds
Having plants,shrubs,climbers and trees in your garden that produce berries in wintertime is very helpfull for wildlife and birds.Our gardens are wildlife and bird friendly in that the trees,shrubs and plants selected all have berries on them in wintertime.

Another thing that is vital for birds in wintertime is a source of water,no point in having bird feeders or bird friendly plants in your garden for birds to feed on and then not have any water for them to drink.

I find alot of these bird feeders messy and alot of bird seed ends up scattered on the ground and in your flowerbeds,which in turn then turns into grass.Once these seeds germinate and start to grow in your flowerbeds it can be a nightmare to get rid of all of them.

I put up the odd fatball in the trees,but I will never touch actual bird seed feed again,as its just too much hassle for the reasons above.