63 year old retiring is she entitled to anything


Registered User
hi my mum is going to hand in her notice at the beginning of april. she has worked for the company for nine years. is she entitled to any kind of social welfare payment seen as she has paid nine years stamps. her husband gets a contributory old age pension. we would like to know is she entitled to anything in her own right or will her husband just get a top up on his pension seen as she will now be a dependent adult?
any help greatly appreciated.
If she's available for and seeking full time work, she can sign for Jobseeker's and may qualify for Jobseeker's Benefit based on her PRSI contributions. Signing will also give her PRSI credits, which may count towards a pension in her own right when she reaches 66 (depending on what other contributions she has).
Rightly she would get unemployment benefit, but if she leaves work at her own free will, i think she will be disquilified from getting any money for some weeks, not sure how many. If she were to get unemployment money for 12 months, I think she can carry on claiming the same money untill she is 65 and then onto the pension,seeing she is over 55 at present. I wonder if anyone can clarify this, I know this used to be the case, unless it has been changed????????Also would someone be able to clarify, if she claims pension in her own right when she reaches 65, would her partner not be better off claiming for her, as far as i know she wont get the full amount anyway, as things stand at the moment.
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