BOI Change Free Banking Conditions


Registered User
The gradual erosion of free banking continues.

According to an advertisement in The Irish Times today, from February 21st 2011: BOI customers must ...

Lodge a minimum of 3,000 EUR per quarter AND make 9 debit payments by phone or online.


Maintain a minimum balance of 3,000 EUR for the entire quarter.

Obviously, it is not wise to maintain large credit balances in a current account.
If say you pay your landlord €450 and he agrees you could pay him 9 * 50 and you will still get free banking - only in Ireland!
Yeah, I am just going to split up any debits I make. Actually, I might just close the account. Not worth the hassle!
Plenty will move to Ulster Bank.

Yeah, Ulster offer free banking with no conditions to the free banking.

Many people will decide that BOI, PTSB and AIB have too many hoops to jump through to get free banking and will switch.

You would think so. But Irish people are nortoriously loyal or lazy when it comes to switching accounts.

True, but the recent deposit movements have shown Irish people's renewed ability to move their deposits/banking to a new bank.
BoI fee decision criticised by consumer agency

The Consumers' Association has criticised the decision by the Bank of Ireland to start charging some of its customers fees and charges for the first time.

Bank of Ireland has confirmed that some of its customers will face fees and charges for the first time.

Current account holders who do not make at least nine payments every three months will have fees imposed on them.

From 21 February, Bank of Ireland customers will also have to have at least €1,000 a month going into their account and make nine payments or more every three months using Banking 365 phone or online banking.
Alternatively, they should maintain a minimum credit balance of €3,000 during the fee quarter.

Customers who do not meet the new criteria will be charged 28c for each transaction.

The majority of the bank's 1.2m current account holders will be subject to the new fees.

26% of customers will not be affected as they hold 'Golden Years' or student accounts.

The bank says providing customers with current account facilities costs it money.

The changes have been criticised by the Consumers' Association.
Derek Jewell described the fees as another kick in the teeth for customers of the bailed out bank.

As RTE state, the transaction fees are going up from 20 cent per transaction to 28 cent per transaction as well.
Will the other banks follow so that we end up as in the bad old days of no free banking available anywhere?
The more people that walk with their feet, the less likely other banks will follow suit.
they should maintain a minimum credit balance of €3,000 during the fee quarter.

Does anyone know how long the 3k should be in the account?
For example ,could you have 3k in your account for 24 hours and that would qualify you for free banking?

Or do they mean it must remain at 3k for the duration?
I'm sure it means that your balance cannot drop below 3,000€ during the quarter.

I was planning on moving my current account from AIB to BOI, because I like the simplicity of BOI's minimum 500 4 rule but 3,000€ will be more difficult! Having second thoughts now....
Given the amt of times both AIB and BOI were caught out and had to refund monies to customers its amazing to me that they have any customers at all,I have been with Ulster Bank since 1991 I do not recollect ever paying a cent to bank with them,I have never had any issues with customer services and always found them excellent to deal with,esp at branch level.

If there are 2 banks one charges you to leave your hard earned money in their Bank and the other does really kind of a no brainer would think.
Cancel direct debits where possible, and make online payments.

Bit of a pain, admittedly
Would you consider Ulster?

I would but I don't like the idea of their card reader for on-line banking. Might opop into a branch and see if they can show me a demo of their on-line banking system. I find the AIB code card an absolute nuisance and this what made me look into BOI in the first place.
By the end of the day BOI may not exist and we will just have the one Irish State Bank. Complete hefty charges or worse..