Stain on dashed wall.


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Hi , We have an unsightly rust looking stain on our exterior wall , I tried lightly power washing but not much change afterwards , I would use a chemical like Clorus but we had the exterior insulation done and I am worried that it might go through the dashing and damage the foam blocks , Any help would be great , Thank you.
Thanks Micks R , Was it a wall that had wrapping on it or would you think that would matter , I have mosgo in the shed .
Yes, the walls are externally insulated. Didn't have it before the ewi was applied. My thinking is that because there is now much less heat flow through the walls, the outside surface is much colder and dries less so much more moisture available for organisms such as algea to thrive.
Have you considered checking back with the contractor who did the work and see what they recommend?
Have you considered checking back with the contractor who did the work and see what they recommend?
That is a great idea Sue Ellen , The thing is he would be retired by now , I will try the mosgo first and then check with another company that might be able to help , Two fabulous suggestions , Thank you both.