Avantcard - Service Issues ?


Registered User

I was wondering, have people been having "issues" with service from Avantcard, over the last year.

To give a few examples of the problems that I've been having:

* Online Transactions with established, reputable retailers, are being declined on occasion (it's not a credit issue, when I phone up, I'm told that the transaction was "flagged" by their system as potential fraud, so automatically declined)

* Letters are being sent to me, periodically, claiming that Avantcard have been trying to contact me by telephone, and have been unable to do so - so they want me to contact them urgently. There's never a voicemail, or a missed call, and there's definitely not an ongoing problem with my phone. When I call Avantcard each time, I confirm that they have my correct telephone details etc. I've now had this happen about four times, in the last six months, or so.

* For those who had Gold Cards, or Platinum Cards, we appear to have lost those services. I recently had a card replaced, and for the first time ever, I was provided with their standard ("One Card") card. When I phoned up to question it, they claimed that they got rid of all of their Gold & Platinum cards a good few years ago, and that all customers were notified. I don't recall being notified, and I'm fairly good with noticing things like this when I check my post. Furthermore, they could not give a plausible explanation as to how my previous card was clearly marked as a "Platinum Card", as is my wife's card on my account (which doesn't expire for another year), if they got rid of these Gold & Platinum cards "a good few years ago". The underlying issue here, is that certain perks which came with their Gold & Platinum cards are now gone, and I would have thought that Avantcard had to notify all card holders, in advance of any changes to existing facilities. So, am I on the only one who didn't get written notification from them ?

* Moving on from the above, I asked to be put on their cashback ("Reward+") card, rather than their "One Card". They claimed that this could be done instantly by phone, and was now done for me. I said okay, so am I correct in understanding that the applicable interest rate will be 16.8%, per their website. They said no, I'm on a higher rate - I said why - they said because I have to speak to their loyalty department to get my rate changed - I said fine, please transfer me - they can't, I'll have to get a call back, which hasn't come through after almost two weeks. Suffice to say, that doesn't sound right - why would I have to speak to a loyalty department, to get the standard rate applicable to a card product advertised on their website ? I didn't even bother pointing out that I believed that my Platinum Card account with them, should have actually been on a lower rate, not a higher one !

So, am I the only one having a lot of "issues" with Avantcard ?

Many thanks.
Yes I have had issues with my application for their rewards+ card. I had closed my Bank of Ireland credit card ( it had a zero balance and I had also closed my BOI current account). The application process was incredibly painful and protracted- and I have excellent credit rating with Zero debt. Eventually after weeks of correspondence I received the card. Some of the staff were mediocre to deal with.
Just joined to weigh in on this. I routinely get transaction declined through reputable retails (eg Apple) stating that they could not authenticate my account, and that I need to add contact details / security questions (both of which I set up when I activated my card months ago).

It just seems to be sporadic as to whether or not it will be accepted, and at this stage I've no confidence in them. Think I'll ditch them. I have no balance with them anyhow.

I must admit, I'm starting to think about dumping them, too... having recently had another transaction declined for no reason, then receiving anther letter a few days later, claiming that they attempted to contact me about the declined transaction - but once again, no missed call, no voicemail etc.

I must make time to look at alternatives, but with both UB and KBC exiting the market, options are going to be limited.
Possibly the declined are to do with the new psd2 which had an implementation date here of April 1st, but some online stores introduced it at much earlier as different countries had different implementation dated.

Only problem was that despite 5 years notice, some bank's software was not compatible.

We had about 15% soft declines (no reason given) at one point, which was very frustrating.

I'm thinking that a lot had to be Avant as bank of Ireland, PTSB, AIB and KBC had definitely updated their software.

Thankfully by earlier this month the decline rate has gone back to normal levels
then receiving anther letter a few days later, claiming that they attempted to contact me about the declined transaction - but once again, no missed call, no voicemail etc.
Companies that systematically lie to their customers logically must have an internal protocol in place for lying which logically means they are aware of the problem in relation to which they are lying.
Same problems continue, in fact, they are getting worse - have wasted well over an hour today, on two seperate calls, trying to get through to a human, to resolve the same issue yet again.

To say that the service is disgraceful, doesn't begin to express how bad it has become.

Even with the cashback card, its still not worth the grief!

You can't even get to speak with someone, to register a complaint!

I should have left them before now, but enough is enough, there's no way in hell you can rely on this sub standard service.

Anyone considering moving to Avant for their cashback card, should think again....
This is very timely, as I'm mid-application with Avant in anticipation of KBC exiting the market at some future point.

I might still try it for a year and see how I get on (as they'll cover the stamp duty for the first year anyway).
Can I suggest that you hold on to your existing card, as a back up, while trying Avant, if you are still going ahead ?

At this stage, I've no confidence in Avant, and can only thank the Lord that I wasn't out with clients etc. when Avantcard decided to decline a transaction. Just imagine the embarrassment, then trying to get Avant on the phone to sort it out, and being left high and dry!

€12pm cashback is not enough, to take that risk, not alone put up with the very poor overall service.

I'm planning on applying to AIB for their cashback card.
Yes, I'm planning to hold onto my KBC card until they exit. I have some unusual requirements that mean BOI is my next best option, but I've had terrible experiences with them in past on other products.

I've also ordered a Curve card and will probably use that for recurring payments to make it easier to change providers in future.
I joined them about two months ago. Sign up process was a dream and was processed really quickly. However I’ve had the same issue with the card declined a fair few times for no reason. I’ve now got problems getting into the online account.
Avantcard will only take a complaint seriously when it is made above their heads to the regulator/ombudsman. If there are enough complaints of a similar nature, then they will pay attention to the issue. Pity that they won’t sufficiently resource the complaints section in-house.
In order to log a complaint with the Ombudsman, you must first go through AvantCards internal complaint process - that in itself, requires being able to get them on the phone!
Have you tried sending them a fax or a registered letter seeking a final response and advising them you will be going to the Ombudsman if you do not hear back within 28 days?
A fax?.. I haven't heard anyone suggest sending a fax, in years ;)

The registered letter is one way to go alright, albeit it requires making time to go to the post office etc.

Ultimately, there comes a time where you also need to stop banging your head against a brick wall, and just move on.

Why waste endless hours trying to get a company to provide a decent service, when it has become clear that they don't actually want to?

I need a credit card that I can rely on, and a support service that will be contactable, and helpful, when something goes wrong. Avantcard aren't providing those two basic things!

Unfortunitely, you see things like this happen to companies some times, usually it's down to cost cutting measures, where the company has cut too deep - that in turn is usually linked to bad management (who don't see the tipping point, where service cuts lead to loss of customers, and income).
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The registered letter is one way to go alright, albeit it requires making time to go to the post office etc.
Hence my fax suggestion, which you can send from a computer and get legally acceptable proof of delivery for. Most institutions still publish fax numbers. It's not as if I suggested telex!
I'll give you credit for the suggestion, nonetheless!

I suppose it was too much to expect Avant to have left themselves open to a method of actually being contacted though :(

I was wondering, have people been having "issues" with service from Avantcard, over the last year.

To give a few examples of the problems that I've been having:

* Online Transactions with established, reputable retailers, are being declined on occasion (it's not a credit issue, when I phone up, I'm told that the transaction was "flagged" by their system as potential fraud, so automatically declined)

* Letters are being sent to me, periodically, claiming that Avantcard have been trying to contact me by telephone, and have been unable to do so - so they want me to contact them urgently. There's never a voicemail, or a missed call, and there's definitely not an ongoing problem with my phone. When I call Avantcard each time, I confirm that they have my correct telephone details etc. I've now had this happen about four times, in the last six months, or so.

* For those who had Gold Cards, or Platinum Cards, we appear to have lost those services. I recently had a card replaced, and for the first time ever, I was provided with their standard ("One Card") card. When I phoned up to question it, they claimed that they got rid of all of their Gold & Platinum cards a good few years ago, and that all customers were notified. I don't recall being notified, and I'm fairly good with noticing things like this when I check my post. Furthermore, they could not give a plausible explanation as to how my previous card was clearly marked as a "Platinum Card", as is my wife's card on my account (which doesn't expire for another year), if they got rid of these Gold & Platinum cards "a good few years ago". The underlying issue here, is that certain perks which came with their Gold & Platinum cards are now gone, and I would have thought that Avantcard had to notify all card holders, in advance of any changes to existing facilities. So, am I on the only one who didn't get written notification from them ?

* Moving on from the above, I asked to be put on their cashback ("Reward+") card, rather than their "One Card". They claimed that this could be done instantly by phone, and was now done for me. I said okay, so am I correct in understanding that the applicable interest rate will be 16.8%, per their website. They said no, I'm on a higher rate - I said why - they said because I have to speak to their loyalty department to get my rate changed - I said fine, please transfer me - they can't, I'll have to get a call back, which hasn't come through after almost two weeks. Suffice to say, that doesn't sound right - why would I have to speak to a loyalty department, to get the standard rate applicable to a card product advertised on their website ? I didn't even bother pointing out that I believed that my Platinum Card account with them, should have actually been on a lower rate, not a higher one !

So, am I the only one having a lot of "issues" with Avantcard ?

Many thanks.
Hi, I came on here to report the same kind of issues in particular around online purchases. I always do the same weekly shop etc and use the card a lot online but of late I have to get them to unblock any transaction that I do online. I have to call them a few times (3 or 4) to get them to unblock the transaction.

It is as if they want us to move elsewhere. I'm curious at this stage.