The Coronavirus

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Brendan Burgess

We are making an exception to the ban on discussing health issues on askaboutmoney as this is something a lot of people are concerned about.

Please keep the discussion serious, factual and on topic. Off topic and humorous posts will be deleted.

Here are some official resources on the topic:

The implications for people travelling overseas are discussed in this thread:

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An Irishman who returned home from South Korea recently said that he was unable to contact the HSE over the coronavirus when a colleague had the virus.

Then when eventually got to speak with someone on Monday was told to go about his business if he had no symptoms.

The NHS are telling people who have been to the affected areas in northern Italy to self-isolate even if they have no symptoms.

No update along those lines from the HSE despite the recent outbreak in northern Italy. They still just reference mainland China.
I wonder will church will move to discourage shaking hands as a sign of peace at mass ?
They certainly did for SARS I recall (and on other occasions I think).
It's still in operation here up to a few weeks ago anyway, I only go to mass for funerals but shaking hands was done at the recent ones I was at.
An Irishman who returned home from South Korea recently said that he was unable to contact the HSE over the coronavirus when a colleague had the virus.

Outrageous!! HSE phone line isn't staffed 24x7!! There was no one available to speak to on Sunday night but he got no problem when he tried on Monday morning when they assessed him as low risk.
I honestly thought that article about yourman on coming back from Korea was an Eamon and Bridget skit. Especially this .....

‘Some of them have symptoms,’ he said, ‘There’s at least one researcher who has a cough and one has a fever, so they’re being tested’.
‘In principle, I could be coming back to the HSE with an updated situation to try to convince them that I’m worth testing.
When asked by Claire house his own condition he said: ‘I feel fine. No symptoms.’
Some people getting carried away with what needs to be done. We have no breakout of the virus and everyone has a responsibility to take precautions for themselves and their families and not be held by the hand every step of the way by the state.

If you only take the measures after the breakout of the virus it's already too late. This is obvious.

I wouldn't categorise the measures taken by other major governments in relation to this as "looking to be held by the hand by the state", I don't know where you got that from.

Every one should look after themselves as much as they can but when it comes to a dangerous infectious disease the state has a role to play which only they can play when it comes to medical efforts, testing, travel restrictions etc
And the steps taken by this state are noticeably lax compared to our EU neighbours, on every level.
Agree with odyssey. They are still not checking travellers returning from Thailand, Malaysia etc. Iran looks to be in serious trouble. There are loads of families just back from skiing and mid term holidays in North Italy. Plane loads of them all going about their business, in school etc. Are public health interested in tracing any of them ? I have no knowledge of any designated quarantine facility like the ones in the UK. We should have a specialist centres allocated to deal with these cases with ambulance bypass protocol, there are two specialist hospitals in Uk I believe. Instead the HSE want everyone to go to their GP or local ED. A bad idea, given overcrowding, lack of isolation facilities etc.The number of doctors, hospital staff who have died from this in China is alarming considering they were well equipped and wearing PPE etc. It's very worrying.
The number of doctors, hospital staff who have died from this in China is alarming considering they were well equipped and wearing PPE etc. It's very worrying.

The death rate in China from Coronavirus is still minuscule though, so far 2715 deaths out of a population of 1,386,000,000 people !
The death rate in China from Coronavirus is still minuscule though, so far 2715 deaths out of a population of 1,386,000,000 people !

It's the scale of the breakout in Wuhan that has everyone spooked. Its more like 2000 out of 6 million and even then it looks like many pneumonia deaths werent officially classified as coronavirus deaths. I think we havent heard the half of it... or some fraction.
Just another view. I'm actually still more worried about the case of rubella reported in Apple's Hollyhill campus today. See de paper. Transmission rate for rubella is 10-30% as opposed to 2-3% for Covid-19.

IT doesnt have to be an either or... And which one to be more concerned about may depend on whether you are in at risk group for either disease.
I work for a multinational company where there are daily meetings about the threat, hand sanitisers given out to each employee, professional clean of office and IT equipment once a month, travel ban from Ireland and to Ireland. Supply of pandemic kits ordered. Anyone been in Italy or any of the badly hit Countries for the past week have been told to work from home for two weeks. My wife works for an Irish airline. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. One person got in trouble for wearing gloves while boarding and handling boarding cards etc. Aircraft are not being properly cleaned. There have zero checks in Dublin Airport. There was more concern over foot and mouth from the authorities than there is over this virus.
Just had a quick look at the HSE website and in particular their advice page for people coming back from any of the infected areas. Spotted the data below at the end of their page. Says it all really.

Page Last Reviewed: 13/02/2020
Next Review Due: 13/02/2023
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