Things that used to be illegal in Ireland


Registered User
I was talking to my daughter about societal changes in Ireland in my lifetime. These are the legal changes that I could think of. Can anyone add to the list?

Blasphemy was illegal until 2020.
Abortion was illegal until 2018.
Same sex marriage was illegal until 2015.
Divorce was illegal until 1995.
Homosexual acts were illegal until 1993.
The sale of condoms were illegal until 1985.
The Marriage bar was removed from the State Sector in 1973.
Smoking in pubs and restaurants was legal until March 2004, so, just over 20 years ago.
2003 "Happy Hour" banned in pubs.
1997 Poitin legalised (or some version of it at least)
Drink driving was made illegal in Ireland in 1968... Some people have not learned that yet seems :rolleyes:
In Ireland, all forms of corporal punishment of children have been definitively outlawed since the passing of the Children First Act 2015

Up till 2015 this was OK.....just think about that for a minute
There was what was illegal and then what blind eyes were turned to. I'm sure 8 or 9 of us being squashed into the back of a county council van to go to a u12 championship match was probably illegal. Likewise driving a tractor on the road at 12. Getting a clip round the ear from a neighbour or any adult if you were messing was probably technically speaking assault but if you complained, the first thing your parents would ask was "what were you doing". But hey, despite all of that, I'm still here !

My father never passed his driving test, he got it in an amnesty back in the 50s I think to clear a backlog. I think there may have been another amnesty in the late 60s/early 70s. No such thing as a theory test.

As for Health and Safety........... .

You could smoke in the office in most places. Also, you could advertise for a "girl Friday" or a "pretty receptionist" etc.

No plastic bag levys