How to register for non-Paye earnings on myAccount?


New Member
I will need to return interest income from funds plus dividends this tax year, so was looking to get ahead by registering on myAccount now. But I'm bewildered by the online registration form.

First page seems to require a business name and description and a NACE code. I don't have a business, I'm just investing a bit of money. Do I just put in "Investment income" and leave it at that?

Next problem, there's a tick box to fill in that says.

Please confirm that you are either single or the assessable spouse or assessable civil partner within a marriage or civil partnership by ticking this box. The assessable spouse or assessable civil partner is usually the spouse or civil partner with the highest income in the latest year for which income details of both spouses or both civil partners are known.

I'm married - but I am not the spouse with the highest income. Does this mean that though I'm investing my money, in an account that I control, it's actually my spouse who has to declare it? We're both higher rate tax payers

If your income (Interest / Dividends) outside of PAYE is <€5K you don't need to register with ROS to become a chargeable person. You can simply submit a return on My Account ( next year.
Thanks for your reply

Sorry for not being clear.
I was talking about myAccount, not ROS , because it's less than <5K

However - on My Account, there's a place for adding additional (non PAYE) income but it doesn't include all the things I would need. E.g., Dividends that are not Irish, UK or US. Or interest from a foreign bank account. Or capital gains tax if I sell shares. Or registering purchase of ETFs

That's why I thought I needed to register for an extra return.
Capital gains can be returned by simply uploading a scanned copy of CG1 form to My Enquiries. Dividends not Irish, UK or US can be declared under other foreign income in My Account. ETFs make you chargeable so only via ROS. See other recent threads for discussion around foreign interest and My Account.