Google Tag Manager


Registered User
I just noticed that Safari has prevented 74 trackers profiling my online presence across 68 web-sites. is one of the trackers and one of the web-sites attempting to track me is

Other trackers initiated from ask about are:

What is the purpose of this attempted tracking, are the site admins aware it is happening and have I agreed to have these trackers monitor my data simply by using the site?

This isn't a browser extension or add-in, this is a preference pane in the browser itself doing the job I asked it to do. Stats indicate that 70% of the sites I access try to initiate tracking of my browsing activity. Most of the sites that initiate tracking are trying to sell me something or sell my profile to others for commercial gain, which is why it makes no sense (to me) for to have this type of functionality turned on, unless it is inadvertent.

Thanks, mathepac
why it makes no sense (to me) for to have this type of functionality turned on, unless it is inadvertent.

Hi mathepac

As you say, we make no use of such information for commercial or other purposes, so I don't see why we would have it it turned on, assuming that is a choice we make.

I will check it out.

I can see this thread too.

The XenForo platform is possibly including Google Tag Manager for you by default, via this code on every page

<script async src=""></script>
        window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
        function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
        gtag('js', new Date());
        gtag('config', 'UA-894047-1', {

It looks like Google Tag Manager is in turn pulling in the other tracking sites, possibly via universal analytics? Probably you want to disable everything within GTM except Google Analytics for this site itself (i.e. no tracking across sites). is one of the trackers
That's Google Analytic, which is widely used and allow us to get some data like the following:
Google Analytics is a powerful tool used to review how well you’re doing online. It allows you to see how users are interacting with your website and web content. These specific metrics measure and monitor different aspects of the user experience, showcasing how people perceive your website and your ads.

Here are the 3 main customer engagement metrics that you need to focus on:
Bounce Rate – The percentage of online visitors that direct away from your site without interaction after viewing one page only.
Pages/Session – The average number of pages each user has viewed, not including those that have bounced.
Average Session Duration – The average amount of time spent on your site by each visitor, not including those that have bounced.

Measuring and monitoring these metrics will allow you to make an informed decision on how you can improve your customer engagement efforts. Whether it’s through more ads, better content, or more SEO maximization, tracking your current performance is the key element towards guaranteeing success for the future.

Google Analytics allows you to track and measure many important metrics that will help you to grow your business. You can track and monitor the effectiveness of your online marketing strategies, website and social media content, user experience, and mobile-friendliness. 

The bottom line is that when you measure the results of your marketing efforts, then you can work towards improving your site.
Working fine now thanks.

Google analytics isn't one of the trackers Safari sees on AAM, but I was surprised at how much tracking some other sites attempted given that they're nominally anyway , non-commercial

Thanks again, no heart attacks I hope.