Recommend a Book

On a slightly sadder note, I see CJ Sansom died yesterday. Loved his Shardlake series of books and I am looking forward to being disappointed by the box set on Disney which is available from tomorrow.
Yep, mildly disappointed, had I not read the books I would not have stuck with it
Waco: David Koresh, the Branch Davidians, and A Legacy of Rage
Jeff Guinn

A very interesting read into how people can be led by influential people. It's no wonder so many people today are caught up in conspiracy theories!

I'd give it 7/10... Started & ended well but a little tedious in the middle.

"Tartar Steppe" by Dino Buzzati:eek:Very kafkian... That continuous waiting for something to change... That feeling that habits can leave a not easy to heal scar... Mind-opening to my view!