Invoice dispute


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Got solar panels and other associated work installed last week. Initially got a quote for 12 and then after a site visit they said actually you can fit 17 so got a quote for 17 panels. Difference in quote of 1500 which works out 300 per panel.

Come the day of the install they say actually can only get 15 I say well if thats what can fit then fine. No mention from the workers the amount this would reduce the price by.

Invoice comes in yesterday and they have reduced it by 200. I say oh you have made a mistake it should be down 600. They then come back in writing saying panels cost 100 so that's what we are reducing it by - they also say it's if you wanted another panel then it's 300 extra.

I am well prepared to pay for quote of 17 - (300*2) even though I wanted a 17 panel system.

Now there is a hefty amount still to be paid and the grant is also going direct to them so I'm in a strong position (circa 5k +2.1k grant) but legally what happens here.

I want it resolved amicably and I'm happy with the work completed but I have now gone back to them three times stating their invoice is wrong and then when it's corrected ill pay straight away.

Options I can think of

A) wait for updated invoice
B) pay amount I believe is owed
C) pay half now as sign of goodwill and say remaining be paid when invoice updated
D) pay what the invoice says and learn lesson
Thanks for reply and yes that was my approach going back with 12 + 3. It is the same calc going back that way of 17-2 (300*2).

I think it's bizarre they are not accepting that logic. They sized the 17 panel system not me and then said actually it's only going to be 15.

If this ends up with this not moving anywhere (and I actually do want to pay them) what's the next steps for me.
Pay the 12+3, include a copy of your 12+ quote and say you think they were making an error on the 17-2 as you did not avail of that quote in the end but went with the 12+ quote. Say get back to me if any issues or queries and you will discuss further.

This way they get the majority of what they expect, there is only €400 in dispute. If they contact you, say there is only €400 in dispute, what will they settle for - hopefully you can settle for an extra €200, both sides go on their way mostly happy. The main thing is not to withhold payment.
I was thinking along these lines. I'm not particularly happy about how it has played out but I don't think it's right for me to withhold payment for circa 5k and be in dispute on that amount.
That said I am right here and I haven't gone mad
That's one hell of a margin they have if the panels are €100 and they are charging €300.

They've probably already put a base installation cost into the initial price. So 3/5ths of the difference between 12 & 17 is as fair as you can get.

I'd pay that and say that you'd find it difficult to recommend them to interested neighbours if they want to calculate it differently.
The 100 is the cost of the panel. The 300 would include labour and fitting of it. They finished early and started on another job locally.
I had the same experience - two companies quoted, one said they could install 11 panels, the other said definitely 9, maybe 10. I got both to quote for 9 (to compare like for like, not material difference) and the second to quote for 11. Went with the more 'ambitious' installer.
On the day they could only install 10. For this installation, they reduced the cost from the quote for 11 panels by €274 but still ended up costing €737 more than their 9 panel installation (i.e. not in any way half way between 9 and 11 panels). I challenged the fee and they explained it (after some time) by saying that installing 10 or 11 panels meant a different capacity converter than with 9 panels. Since it is possible that they could have held up the paperwork for the grant, I settled the bill at the higher price. I assumed this was a fairly unique case but now I'm not so sure.
Very interesting. Honestly I feel like it's a bit of a tactic by them. Unless you have it in writing before hand of what one less panel is or one more then you have a dispute.
I'm going to see what happens tomorrow if they produce a new invoice and will pay the price of 12+3. I don't want to be accused of withholding funds but I'm going to argue the 400 difference.
Spoke to owner and they are sticking to it. I'm annoyed by it. Lesson learned for future. I'll have to chalk it up but warning for anyone have it in writing about what happens if more or less work is done and what that changes in price.
Spoke to owner and they are sticking to it. I'm annoyed by it. Lesson learned for future. I'll have to chalk it up but warning for anyone have it in writing about what happens if more or less work is done and what that changes in price.
If you've given up the fight, perhaps write up your experience on Google Maps / Trust Pilot to alert others.
If you've given up the fight, perhaps write up your experience on Google Maps / Trust Pilot to alert others.
That hurts saying it like that giving up the fight but you are right I have. I kind of have to in case I have issues with the system. I would only post something truthful but if I do post something it will be obvious who it is and then if I need support I don't think they will be quick to help.
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pay for the 17k-2*300 and see what happens. You are on good solid ground (excuse the pun), its logical and its fair. They dont make the rules, it takes two parties and they messed up (over promised with 17, and underdelivered).

You have as much authority as them.