UK & Irish State Pension Planning Advice


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Can I receive both a UK pension & a full Irish state pension? Or will Irish pension be reduced because I have a UK pension? My retirement is a number of years out but I need to understand what impact UK voluntary contributions will have on my irish pension.


I hold both UK and Irish citizenship and my 'domicile' under law is the UK, but my place of residence is Ireland. I have 10 years worth of NI contributions so meet criteria for the minimum UK pension, and believe I can pay class 2 contributions. I don't yet have 10 years of PRSI contributions for Irish pension but will likely have 25 years by retirement. What impact does the UK pension have on the Irish Pension?
To my knowledge there is nowhere on an Irish or government website that will explicitly say you can get both. But according to the rules of both you will be able to claim both pensions if eligible. Many posters have claimed that they get both either in part or in full.

Make sure to make your UK application soon as I believe there is a window for making backdated contributions that closes in 2023.

More detail in this post here.

PS: AFAIK your domicile is irrelevant on this point
One of the “anomalies “ in the Irish system is that it is possible to get a full State Pension with only 10 years of A Class PRSI (if your history in the Irish PRSI system first started 10 years before reaching 65). Therefore is someone worked in the U.K. or elsewhere prior to coming to Ireland before age 55, I am not aware of any restriction which says they cannot also claim an equivalent (perhaps reduced) State Pension from the UK or elsewhere.
That “anomaly “ would be closed if we moved to the Total Contribution Approach (the 1/40th proposal) as was previously to be adopted from 2021 , but deferred until the Pension Commission recommend actions are considered.