Seeking recommendation for Cork solicitor in will contest

Little Sis

Registered User
Driven to wits end re will of deceased brother (first wife dead, second wife (non-national, 3rd world) get everything), adult children overlooked and residing in original family home which has now been willed to second wife who is screaming for it all! He was always an awkward, belligerent individual and he is continuing to wreak havoc from beyond the grave!

The manner of his death was public and dramatic (fueled by alcohol and poor, neglected health) and in the months leading up to his death he had numerous emergency health services needs (i.e. ambulance call outs). In summary, I am keen for his adult children to pursue a "not of sound mind" avenue when he made the will (just 6 months before his death) and am keen for them to engage with a solicitor (i.e change their existing one) who will assess the case and then FIGHT, prepared to be mean and nasty where necessary. She has been this way all along while they have been accommodating and "people pleasing". I think meeting fire with fire would sort her out.

Also, can anyone offer insight re:
- when a house is valued in will, is it at date of death or date of probate or when?
- is it possible to get a copy of ownership on an old car (scrapped in the last 2 years) (all related to will)
- is it possible to get medical records of a deceased parent from local GP

This or any other help, insight much appreciated.

when a house is valued in will, is it at date of death or date of probate or when?
- is it possible to get a copy of ownership on an old car (scrapped in the last 2 years) (all related to will)
- is it possible to get medical records of a deceased parent from local GP

I will leave others to make recommendations re Solicitors; but to answer some of your questions.

Q1. House is valued as at date of death
Q2. You could start with a CarTell report and see what that tells you re the car.
Q3. One of the adult children can make a request under Freedom of Information legislation

Final bit of guidance, no matter how incensed you may feel over your siblings behaviour; try to avoid getting emotionally entangled.

Should his adult children seek to challenge their late father's will, it will be a long and exhausting process.

Throwing around emotive words (and I'm being kind) like "3rd world" and shouting about fighting, encouraging people to be "mean and nasty" will make the next few years horrible for everyone.

Edited to fix typo
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I'd go further, Thirsty.

The bit about non-national, 3rd world smacks of racism because it seems to me these details were solely included to support the idea that this lady has a reduced entitlement by virtue of her origins - the very essence of racism.
She has been this way all along while they have been accommodating and "people pleasing"

Well if I was one of these nice people, I loose it and tell this racist, interfering Auntie where to go.
Is the house the only asset. He was clearly enough of sound mind to get married. How long was he married. Why are adult children living at home. Why do they feel they are entitled to anything. Who cooked and cleaned the house and fed your brother.

I find the question about the car very odd, it’s scrapped, like what are you looking for there. I suspect this costly route will end up with the only people getting money the legal people. As a mature adult you shouldn’t fan the flames of the adult children's rage. Plus you might end up as collateral damage.