Key Post How to put an image in a post

Brendan Burgess

First of all you have to find an image.

So if you see an image e.g. on this site.

Right click on the image
Click on Copy Image

This pastes the image into your clipboard

Then in the post on askaboutmoney, right click in the place where you want to put the image and click paste

Let's say you want to "create" an image from a PDF.
For example, you want to quote a part of the attached brochure and keep the format.

You will need some piece of software on your PC to do this.
Not sure what I have , but it comes with Windows.
I click on Shift, the Windows key and S at the same time
The screen goes grey and a white cross appears.
You select the bit you want and this automatically copies it into your clipboard
Then paste it into your post



  • Life loan brochure 2004.pdf
    224.4 KB · Views: 314
I find this particularly useful for tables. They are much easier to do and change in Word.
I create them in Word then snip them and paste them in:

Brilliant, I've already used it, Shift, windows, S, and I did control V to paste it in easily. (I started before windows so I know a lot the old 'commands'. )

BB why don't you do the tables in excel, would it not be easier. Maybe it copy paste as well.
Apologies for reviving an old thread. I am trying to attach a picture on my thread and could only find the attachment symbol that works on this thread.


  • Kitch.jpg
    2.3 MB · Views: 259
  • Kitch2.jpg
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