Younger women with grey hair


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Is it really so bad for a younger, i.e. under say 55 years old, women to just let nature take it's course and not bother dying the hair when it starts to turn grey. I know one woman who started to get greys in her 20's, she never dyed it and is now around 95% grey, and it looks fabulous ( she is in her mid 40's) but the amount of comments she gets from friends, family and hairdressers that she should colour it is quite unreal.

I am early 40's and have a good amount of grey, though I never let it grow out enough to judge just how much and I am thinking about just letting it grow out to it's natural state, the husband was mortified when I mentioned this after he made a comment about how my roots needed doing!

I find women tend to be a bit more judgmental about this ( or maybe men are just smart enough to know when not to open their mouths)

Over to you folks!
If I see a woman in her forties with grey hair, I tend to think 'she looks fresh for her age' so basically my default mode is a woman with grey hair is obviously old. maybe if it was more common place I would think differently, but if it was my oh i would prefer colour.
Is it really so bad for a younger, i.e. under say 55 years old, women to just let nature take it's course and not bother dying the hair when it starts to turn grey.

Not at all - you go girll!!

I'm a big fan of au naturel women and it depresses me the pressure women are sometimes under.

I find women tend to be a bit more judgmental about this ( or maybe men are just smart enough to know when not to open their mouths)

I agree on both counts. Men can incredibly immature and undiplomatic sometimes about physical appearance but women can be very competitive.

Give me a bit of grey, a bit of extra "baggage" and quiet confidence over a raven haired orange faced desperado any day.
Grey hair on women is more common on the continent. Think their complexions are more suitable to carrying it off. Hate when I have any grey hairs and since turning 40 last novemeber am even more determined to keep it dyed!
Your complexion would have a lot to do with it. I know a guy who had been all over grey since his mid 30's but he has a light tanned complexion so it looks nice and doesn't age him. You know he's still mid 40's.

I know a girl with blond hair who intends to go grey over a few years, again she has a tanned complexion so I think it will look nice on her.

Not for me though. I am very pale with pinky undertones and think it will age me. I don't feel pressure as such to keep it coloured, I like getting my hair done.
All well and good if you have nice soft shiny grey hair, all my grey hairs are like fishing wire and go all curly!
I think a lot depends on the nature of the grey. I dont have a lot of grey, the odd hair here and there. Its really not that noticable.

Some of my friends have patches of grey - it wouldnt look good left alone, because theres a patch at the front, a patch at the side etc... and it doesnt fall in with their parting or hairstyle.

But if you had even grey it would probably look ok - so long as it was ok with your complexion as well.