Yellow dot infested grass


Registered User
I have about 1\2 Acre of grass front and back. Lately its become infested with yellow dots like mini dandelions. Does anyone know how or what to treat it with. Its cut very low with the mower and was always a good green. I was wondering was it the Spell of good weather that did it because I dont remember it like that before the sunny spell.


I think your "yellow dots" might be clover. Your lawn needs regular feeding during the summer to strengthen it against weeds and "green" it up. Feeding stops in the autumn or the roots of the grass become weakened.
gideon152 said:
I have about 1\2 Acre of grass front and back. Lately its become infested with yellow dots like mini dandelions. Does anyone know how or what to treat it with. Its cut very low with the mower and was always a good green. I was wondering was it the Spell of good weather that did it because I dont remember it like that before the sunny spell.




if the yellow is a weed its definitely not clover [sorry] but possibly sow thistle or charlock, that is if it is a plant. You are looking for a semi selective translocated herbicide [such as tritox] available from NAD in Lusk, north dublin. You will also need a calibrated sprayer/ applicator and a coul/ hood to stop wind drift. The molecular make up does not allow the chemical stick to the narrow leaves of the grass. Dilution rate 1:100 approx.

However if the grass has yellow dots on its tips or within this can be either a chlorosis[food deficiency] in which case you need a slow release fertiliser - or is a fungal/ bacterial disease and it needs to be sprayed.
