Wrong kitchen delivered...


Registered User

We ordered a kitchen from a kitchen company and they have delivered the wrong kitchen. My old kitchen has been pulled and I’m now been told that I will have to wait 4-5 weeks for another kitchen because they are off on two weeks holidays.

I don’t want to wait 4-5 weeks with no kitchen, where do I stand? Waiting for a manger to ring me back. Am I entitled to a full refund?
Re: Wrong kitchen delievered...

Do you really want a full refund? If you have to start the entire process again with another supplier, it may well take more than 4-5 weeks.

Take a practical view. If your kitchen just hasn't been manufactured, it is definitely going to take a few weeks. What can you do to minimise the time, and get some kind of compensation from them for the delay? A good starting point might the cost of restaurant eating for 4-5 weeks!
Re: Wrong kitchen delievered...

I know what you're saying rainyday and now that I've calmed down, I will go ahead with the same company. No one rang me back on Sat and every time I rang them back the manger was with a customer and I was told someone will ring me today.
At the moment I don't even have a kitchen sink or running water although my husband will sort out something today regarding that.

Should I be offered a discount for this messing about. I will be without a kitchen for 4 weeks at least with small kids in the house it really isn't much fun.
Re: Wrong kitchen delievered...

I would certainly ask for some compensation - as mentioned try to itemise the extra cost and inconvenience you're been subjected to. I don't think theres anything wrong with threatening to name and shame the kitchen company if they don't make it up to you - I'm not one to make a fuss just for the sake of it but I do think that businesses should show a bit more respect for their customers - they are all making such huge profits these days customer service seems to have dropped in the list of priorities.....
Re: Wrong kitchen delievered...

Toby, I have rang them so many times today to speak to a manager and every time I was told he'd ring back and he didn't. I rang again just before six and he said he'd fix me up with a temporary kitchen until my new one is ready and that was it. No other compensation. He said he'd ring me back when he got talking to a carpenter and here it is 19:22 and still no word. I don't think he understands the upheaval it is to have no kitchen and a small family to look after. I am so upset over the whole thing and there's nothing I can do. They have my money and I'll just have to like it or lump it.
Re: Wrong kitchen delievered...

Land into their office tomorrow, preferably with a large gang of unruly kids and don't leave until you have a satisfactory response.
Re: Wrong kitchen delievered...

I would agree with Rainday here: before you go in tomorrow TillyD you should make up your list of predicted expenses for the next 4-5 weeks and hand it to the manager. Remember if you don't have a kitchen you'll need to eat out for 3 meals a day, OR move into rented accommodation for 4-5 weeks. Ask the manager which they would prefer you to do. As it is, you're already out of pocket. Make sure you get to talk to a manager and that they don't give you the fob off - no matter how much fuss you make with a front counter person, the message might never get delivered to a manager. If you don't have any joy then tell them you'll leave it with your solicitor to sort out. I guarantee if they think they'll be hit with invoices, your new kitchen will be prioritised.
I think a certain well known businessman was able to claim that he was a non resident of Ireland and therefore didn't have to pay any tax because his house in Ballsbridge didn't have a kitchen!. Now there's a thought!
Make sure to log every call, correspondense & outcome of the conversation in case you do have to go the court route.

Best of Luck, I would'nt even like to think how I would manage without a kitchen with small kids!
You could always ask for a couple of extra bits, fancier taps etc. They are always reluctant to give money back and they buy the taps etc at cost so it more efficient for them that way.
this is terrible and you are stuck with the kitchen company at this stage. I worked for a kitchen manufacturer and my experience was that the company cared very little about the customer once they had the deposit. At one stage the company owner hid under her desk while her irate customer ranted and raved at me. She thought it was hilarious - he was justifably upset having been without a kitchen sink for 4 weeks. In my experience the squeeking door gets attention so keep ringing - and faxing on a regular basis so they will deal with your complaint. and definitely demand reasonable compensation so that they will endeavour to prevent this problem happening to another customer.