Write off Credit Card Debt


Registered User
Does anyone have any idea how to find out if a credit card debt has been written off ?
A debt ran up nearly 10 yrs ago, interest was added, demands were made,
Last I heard was about 2yrs ago from Sheriff Office, I gave them a detailed reply in writing, explaining I have no assets etc and very little chance of paying anything.
No judgment was registered against me.
I'm afraid to make direct contact in case this re-activates something, any ideas on how to check ??...Thanks, Rob.
Hi Robert, yes get the ICB report. Only the credit card provider will report to this not any debt agency who might have taken over the account. Can you let me know who the companies involved were and if you went through a court process first?
Thanks for replies, I have requested my ICB report, it was a Bank of Ireland credit card, I think it did go to a court process about 5 yrs ago or more, but no judgment was registered against me.

Does anyone know if BOI sold off their bad credit card debt to Cabot or a fund like them ??
Has anyone had the experience of a Bank of Ireland credit card debt being sold on to a private finance (vulture) fund..??