Would you vote for Fianna Fail?

... I think Cowen is a decent guy & he is trying to get this country back on tracks.

He deserves more respect than he gets ...
I don't share your views and can't see any supporting evidence for them, but I have evidence that supports my contrary view.
... But he has much to do to cut spending ...
I agree, because he hasn't actually done much to make significant differences in PS expenditures, but he has penalised tax-payers heavily which is not the same thing.
I always voted FF until 2007, when I changed to FG. I won't be voting for FF as they (particularly Cowen) caused the mess and Lenihan, in guaranteeing Anglo, made what is IMO probably the worst decision in the history of the State.
Is that because of traditional voting etc?

No, simply because I have deep disdain for most of the leadership style and party ethos since voting age. At grass roots level too, and in a few different constituencies, the quality of candidates for me has been terrible. The FF candidates IME have always been the slimiest, most complacent, least informed and least professional.

But sure they "got things done" so it's OK then

I can understand the never have part, but if a party is heading in the right direction would you not then consider them?

OK, "never will" was maybe a bit rash but unless there is a radical departure in party ethos/attitude I wouldn't, no. The tentacles of influence from CJH and Bertie are still far too current for me though.
I always voted FF until 2007, when I changed to FG. I won't be voting for FF as they (particularly Cowen) caused the mess and Lenihan, in guaranteeing Anglo, made what is IMO probably the worst decision in the history of the State.

You are aware that in the honohan report and the other report it was stated that guaranteeing Anglo was teh correct decision?
And honohan himself said in an interview with vincent browne that anglo was of systemic importance.

So you are disagreeing with those reports yes?

What are your qualifications with regard to economics by the way?
Absolutely not!!

Apart from the corruption which is still endemic in much of FF, I am insulted by the utter contempt shown by FF for the national parliament. There are no politicians in FF whom you could say are there just to do the best for their constituents. They all appear to be just about lining their pockets. They make me sick.

I would much prefer to see honest, genuine, committed politicians in government, no matter what party they belong to.
Anyone that votes for FF because the opposition may even be worse, should instead spoil their vote.

Its a crazy situation when people are voting on a party because all the rest are so bad. It's like asking to vote for incompetence or corruption.
It looks like Kenny is history, so it is likely that FG will start to gain in the polls.

This may seem radical, but by the end of the decade, I see us falling in line with most western democracies with the two big parties fighting each election being the centre right (FG) and the centre left (Labour) - each getting 30-40%. I think FF will level out as the third party with 15-20% of the vote in most elections.

Dont rule out the possibility that the outcome of the next election will be FG short of a majority trying to put together a coalition with independents, Greens etc. versus Labour being wooed into being in coalition by FF.
FF and FG have a core vote,probably 30% and 20% respectively.This is the vote they will get no matter how badly they done in parliament.
There is the traditional factor and all the favours done down the years by the local politicians.It is the power of the incumbent to dish out the goodies.It also means that the name of the local politicians is continued with children and siblings continuing in the job to avail of favors done by their fathers etc
No matter how incompetent the present ruling politicians, one can be sure they will run a top class campaign during the next election.
Anyone that votes for FF because the opposition may even be worse, should instead spoil their vote.

Its a crazy situation when people are voting on a party because all the rest are so bad. It's like asking to vote for incompetence or corruption.

Spoiling your vote makes no sense.

It's much easier choosing between two attractive options than choosing between two unattractive options.

If you would prefer a FF led coalition to a FG led coalition, then you should vote for FF, even if you don't like them.
Yes. I think it's pants.
What are your qualifications with regard to economics by the way?
The real question is, will people vote based on what they want for the future, or to punish decisions of the past?

I find it hard to know what I'll do. There isn't much talent or vision in any of the parties. As far as I can see, small government is the only solution. The less these useless, but often well intentioned fools interfere in my life, the better.

So in the end I will probably vote for the most decent local candidate, whatever their creed. And I will continue to dream of living on an island with vision, character and freedom from the tyranny of the majority, where a band like TOOL will compose the national anthym. Amen.
Its not going to make much difference who is in charge. Its going to be like the 80s again with spending cuts and no jobs. The government is going to go the road of least resistance which is going to affect the young and elderly the most. No jobs for school and college leavers.....so much for the knowledge economy.
And of course the health service even after years of Harney inspired "2 tier" service is going to be cut severly.
Next year they will be more cuts and then more again.
There should have been a law in the constitution forbidding our government to get into debt.The politicians were keen enough in trying to get blasphemy laws put into the constitution.
Vote for Fianna Fail

It is kind of like being caught between a rock and a hard place.

As Brendan says it is a waste of time to spoil your vote but we dont really have"there's always C" choice as Carlsberg says!

I vote for whoever I find good in my area.
It really is difficult to say at this point. Labour are playing the object to everything card without giving proper answers to how they would approach the sitiuation.
FG have a lot of ground to make up after the last few days.
If in 12 months time there is a definite sign of economic improvement FF could return to a vote that would give them a chance at coalition. The banks issues is confusing and most people will judge the situation by the number of unemployed and vote accordingly.
I vote for whoever I find good in my area.

I would not agree with this as a method of deciding whom to vote for. Its a cop out and shows a certain disgregard for Ireland inc.

This is the same sort of decision making process which allows people like Michael Lowry to be continually elected in Tipperary regardless of the damning critiscism of his actions by the McCracken Tribunal. The fact that he deliberately lied to the Dail seems to matter little to these people. It also allows/encourages other politicians to engage in similar behaviour and then argue that "the Dublin meeja were out to get them".

I have never voted FF as they are institutionally corrupt and are only interested getting and keeping power and the last 15 years of their Govt is testamnet to this. They are also ideologically bankrupt.

Voting for someone that you find good in your area is not the same as turning a blind eye to corruption. If you vote for the party then you may be ignoring the fact that the candidate in your area is not the best person for the job. Party voting tends to be traditional and family orientated but at least if you are choosing the best person for the job in your area and if everyone did this then surely the party with the best equipped candidates who emerge as the government.

I disagree, in some cases voting for the best guy is turning a blind eye to bad behaviour, for an example read the McCracken Tribunal report.

TD's in Ireland tend to specialise in low grade social work which means they ignore the bigger policy issues and we end up with TD's, Senators and Councillors chasing the same minor local issues. If you disagree just check out the Oireachtas report and look at the questions asked on any given day. The party with the best equipped candidates (to carry out this low grade social work) dont necessarily leave themselves best to make policy. If you need an example of this then look at Ireland over the last fifteen years! All the filled potholes and medical cards fixed up won't disguise the fact that we have had massive policy failures......why, because the majority of our politicians are focussed on small, minor local issues. Politicans who quit like George Lee and Jim Glennon have at least had the honesty to call the system and what TD's do for the shambles that it is...