Would you let your 15 year old child go interrailing?


Registered User
Would you let your 15 year old child go interrailing as Kerstie Allsopp did?
I would but then again I have 4 children and can afford to lose a few.

The reaction in the Irish Times from some air hostess with a martyr complex (behind the paywall for some reason) seems to be based on little more than jealousy of people who have more than her but I can understand why some people think 15 is too young.
Depends on maturity ,resourcefulness and intelligence of the kid. If they're the type to fold under any pressure then definitely no.

Only one remaining falls into this category for consideration in this scenario and think he'd be fine, in fact think he'd benefit hugely from it.

The wife though...that could be a different matter but reckon she'd see it for what it is and go along with caveats.
Not so certain if I'd be so cavalier if the child in question was a female.Would need more evaluation....
Depends on maturity ,resourcefulness and intelligence of the kid. If they're the type to fold under any pressure then definitely no.

Only one remaining falls into this category for consideration in this scenario and think he'd be fine, in fact think he'd benefit hugely from it.
Same here. The youngest (just turned 15) is a girl but she's quite mature and a reasonably good boxer.
The wife though...that could be a different matter but reckon she'd see it for what it is and go along with caveats.
You wouldn't let her off on her own then? ;)
Same here. The youngest (just turned 15) is a girl but she's quite mature and a reasonably good boxer.

You wouldn't let her off on her own then? ;)
It's largely academic I suppose.

If she had taken up self defense classes (Krav Maga) when I offered then I'd be more comfortable. The youngest was delighted to take these classes and will stand to him.

Those Hostel films from early noughties spring to mind and keep resetting my resolve.