Would You Go To See The Pope in Ireland?

Lex Foutish

Registered User
Did anyone hear that guy on with Matt Cooper this evening? The guy who was claiming that contraception was a marriage wrecker etc. Absolutely hilarious! Some listeners thought we were witnessing the return of Fr. Wishy Washy.

Listening to the discussion and references to the Pope's recent utterances about the use of condoms in Africa and recent speculation of a Papal visit to Ireland, got me thinking.

Would AAM members go to see him if he came to Ireland? I went to see John Paul 11 when he came - when this was a different country and we were a little more naive than we are today. I couldn't see myself going to see the present incumbent even if he was appearing in The Marquee in Cork.

Are he and his attitudes and teachings relevant in a modern world?

Not a rant. I'm genuinely interested in hearing people's views on the subject.
Well I wasn't born when JP2 came to town. Dunno if I could be bothered to be honest, would I get the day off work?
To paraphrase Bill Shankly.....If he was at the bttom of the garden, I'd draw the curtains.

I reckon if he does come, it'll be a pathetic crowd that go to see him compared to JP2s visit.
Why would I? I have'nt gone to see George Hook and, even with his accent, he's easier on the eye
I would not go and would object to the costs to the state of such a visit in these times. Benedict XVI is even more out of touch now than he was as Cardinal Ratzinger ie totally!!
Would You Go To See The Pope in Ireland?
It depends on what show he was in.
Would You Go To See The Pope in Ireland?
It depends on what show he was in.

There's a band here in Cork called Pontius Pilate and the Nail Drivers. Maybe them as a warm up act for an open air concert in Páirc Uí Chaoimh?
Would You Go To See The Pope in Ireland?
It depends on what show he was in.

Plan B might be a gig in the Opera House. Years ago, when The Last Temptation of Christ was being shown in Cork, there was a protest by a local group called "The Keepers of the Third Secret of Fatima."

I'm sure they'd still be well able to get a crowd going and be a good warm up act.
I found it interesting in Rome a week or so a go, when we went to the Vatican, the majority of souveniers for sale in the shops was JP 2 and not Benny. Have to say he doesn't do it for me. I still think he'd get a big crowd, plenty of people still going to mass in ireland and he is the pope, but nowhere near the crowds the last time JP2 was here
How can you keep a secret if you don't know what the secret is?
No way would I go to see any Pope. But remember the crowds that went to see the relics of St Therese. I thought that was completely bizarre too.