would you appear on About the House ?


Registered User
A friend of mine has been approached by his builder on whether he would like to be showcased on about the house TV program for an extension.

What would people think also what are the benefits/drawbacks on this.
Does anyone know someone who has appeared, and whilst they do not pay you for it, you are compensated for your time, so what would they offer.

what are the advantages/disadvantages/benefits and any personal experiences ?

Any thoughts ?
I don't believe there is any compensation.

The only kickback is from suppliers who may be willing to offer deals on products/services as a result of getting in on the act.

However, the inclusion of suppliers is all at the discretion of the producers and therefore there is no guarantee of any mention. Any reliance on a kickback from suppliers should be on the basis on a potential mention, not on a promised mention.

There is added pressure because the producers schedule may not be in sync with that of the builder / home-owner. The producers don't force their schedule on the builder / home-owner, but one would probably be impacted by the pressure to reach certain milestones.

So for the builder, there is potential for big benefit. For the sub-suppliers, there is potential benefit. For the home-owner who is not involved in the trade, the added exposure may be a benefit when coming to sell, but other than that, I don't see any apart from possible kickback from suppliers.
would you appear on About the House ?

No!! it's hard enough to build a house without looking like a plonker on TV also
:) My family a while back appeared on "beyond the hall door" - for the pain of putting up with 20 misc tv people & builders, feeding them and having no privacy for 4 days - along with being featured on TV and a magazine, they received 2 x amazing interior designed bedrooms for free, they are stunning and a big talking point.
If you get something that is equivalent in value to your loss of privacy and feeding everyone etc, then I would say, yes - go ahead and do it. If not, well then it's not worth your while is it?
At least it might keep your builder, plumber, etc on his toes if he thinks you are going to be featured on TV saying "once again the plumber has not turned up at 9am as promised" !
Or maybe your pumber would just say sod this I can get an easier job than this one where I am not being filmed....
I never seem to learn anything of a practical nature from these programmes. They have no real substance I have learned more on this site about building a house than if I had watched Duncan etc 24/7. Those shows are gimics
No chance... I was in a TV commercial a few years ago that was being shot in a neighbours house and I couldn't believe the amount of equipment / vans / lights / hangers-on that were involved in a 30 second shot. A lot of disruption which I would imagine is the last thing you want during an already disruptive event...
thanks for the responses I have passed them on, they have appointed a building contractor for the complete job and the contact came via the builder, so hopefully that puts him under pressure to deliver a quality product and on time.