Would it be ethical to accept this money?


Registered User

I received this email this morning:
Dear Friend,
With regard I hope this letter meet you in good time, I am James Francis from Florida USA was "born in 1936, an undercover business partner with Libyan Leader Omar Muammar al Gaddafi, before his dead on 2011, we have a Private account in Asia $20.000,000 USD(Twenty Million US Dollars) was deposited for a project without any beneficiary or identification of the principle, because of my health condition and security in my country I can’t transfer this fund to my personal account rather I want you to assist me to receive this fund with you for partnership" because the bank have informed me to provide beneficiary immediately.
If you can assist me in this transaction" by receiving this fund as the beneficiary I will compensate you with 30% of the total amount and you will also get benefit from the investment.
More details will be sending to you when I receive your interest response. Please if you know you cannot handle this transaction do not reply very important
Thanks & best regards,
Mr James Francis

My question is 'since this money has accumulated from decades of corruption, oppression and torture of the Libyan people, would it be ethical for me to take my 30%?'

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Are you serious!!!! Have you not come accross this type of scam before?
I'm assuming you are fully aware that this is a scam and this is not a serious question

Try and negotiate 40%
No it wouldn't be ethical but to make you feel a little more comfortable with it why don't you go for the 40% and donate 10% to a charity! That way you can enjoy your 30% guilt free! let us know how it all goes!.
I won something similar a couple of years ago from Nigeria.. Took me a while to deal with it, but i'm glad i did now.
Slim -There is no 30% or 40% - there is a crook at the other end of that email who wants your bank account details and to charge you maybe a thousand euro to release the funds. Same crook will then disappear.

My friends parents actually got stung in this way a few years ago.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is

Don't listen to this guy. He probably got the same letter and just wants the 30% for himself.

Don't worry about the corruption stuff. That Gaddafi lad wasn't too bad. If you get one on Fianna Fail headed paper, that's a bit different. I would chuck that one in the bin!

Don't worry about the corruption stuff. That Gaddafi lad wasn't too bad. If you get one on Fianna Fail headed paper, that's a bit different. I would chuck that one in the bin!

Are you sure that isn't from our very own politicans, the use of english seems familiar......

wow, sorry to hear your friend's parents got done.

I just thought this was a novel take on the usual 'share my millions' email scam.
Well I just won $500'000!

I was told in an email so it must be true.
The mail stated:
" REF:87K4/336/T071/0012
Claim Tel: +442071797777

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Global E-commerce programs 2012. Your e-mail address won FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND U.S. DOLLARS.

You should reply for further details on award prize claim.


No recession in your house then
there is a crook at the other end of that email who wants your bank account details and to charge you maybe a thousand euro to release the funds. Same crook will then disappear.

Jeeze Mr glass half empty not everybody is a crook you know! Quite frankly having read Mr James Francis's email I believe him! I mean he is clearly very well educated with perfect English. Go for it Slim... feck the begrudgers
In fairness now Ney001, uptomyeyesin is right to be cautious. But yeah, there is a great deal of cynicism around at the moment and sometimes you just have to grab opportunities and don't mind the begrudgers. Go for it, Slim, I say!
In fairness now Ney001, uptomyeyesin is right to be cautious. But yeah, there is a great deal of cynicism around at the moment and sometimes you just have to grab opportunities and don't mind the begrudgers. Go for it, Slim, I say!

Sometimes you just have to reach out and take that chance alright!
Shucks, there's Slim and Purple gettin' all that dosh and not one of us invited for a drink, shame on ye lads
This could be a genuine offer and it would be a pity to lose out. However, you want to be sure...

Therefore I guarantee - and anyone else reading this who may receive suspicious letters- that for a small handling fee I will investigate each and every letter.
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LOL, nice one oldnick.